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Occurrences of ettlin in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Doric - DOR canna stap the bleed fae ettlin 2023
Central - SWE like thir a wee sint swait an ettlin's 2023
Central - EDN Until, ettlin' tae miss hairm's reach,2005
Central - AYR Ettlin-like tae "queen-it": 2014
Central - WCE ae make it tae the tap or die ettlin. Whit's mair, he noo kent his2019
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 2: Tae fordèr wittin an kenn2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 3: Tae graith Ulstèr-Scotch 2015
Ulster - GUL Ettlin 9: Tae tryst screengin o gye 2015
Ulster - GUL ike o biggin, fairmin an toon ettlin; an kines o mellin an silleri2015
Ulster - GUL Claught Paction as pairt o an ettlin airtit at tha refoondin o twi2015
Central - SEC Ettlin a shot at the No-Wyce deils.2005
Central - LAL soon win at the place ye war ettlin at, but ye see fae yer watch 2022
Central - SEC t ah kent whit the singer wis ettlin at. It wisnae important tae m2018
Central - EDN Skipper. Ai! A sei whit ye'r ettlin at. Thare!" an he flang doun 2008
Central - LAL whitiver it is the message is ettlin at. This is a new kind o main2004
Central - LAL e lave, whit the quaisten wis ettlin at? An takkin thae pairts o t2000
Central - LAL ower information, raither nor ettlin at airtistic ideas an styles.2015
Central - LAL by his auld pairty doun-drag: ettlin at fleitchin Scotland alang i2005
Doric - DOR ell me your name an fit ye're ettlin at here." 2021
Central - LAL rd an the Scots Langage Award ettlin at makkin a distinct threid o2022
Central - EDN Brítish government haes been ettlin at pentin us wi a big braid b2020
Central - SEC odds wi what they wis?" I wis ettlin at pyntin oot whatna tirrivee2003
Central - SEC odds wi what they wis?" A wis ettlin at pyntin oot whatna tirrivee2001
Central - SEC itjaiket" etc. If a writer is ettlin at shawin this kin o mistak i2003
Central - LAL s, we maun tak guid tent whan ettlin at unnerstaunin and interpret2023
Central - LAL whit Alasdair Allan (1998) is ettlin at whan he cries doon the act2000
Ulster - GUL feck o resydentèrs. Its heid ettlin bes tae hain an fordèr kintr2015
Central - LAL k o her mynd. She fand hersel ettlin bi turns ti win til't an ti j2014
Central - WCE l, an his new editors, wad be ettlin efter!)2009
Central - SEC "What ir ye daein? What ir ye ettlin efter?"2010
Central - EDN English or whativer — that ettlin efter a better conception o i2019
Doric - DOR getting caulder an caulder an ettlin efter a pish. A minded whin W2010
Southern - SEA appearinlie ey ettlin efter daen sumane, sum guid, 2003
Central - SEC a be uized binna the writer's ettlin for a parteeclar dialeck.2003
Central - LAL raxin, ettlin for his life: wha wid daur, 2003
Central - EDN t fond o the halflins she wis ettlin for tae help. Bit it wasna he2011
Central - LAL Warks", guidance an resoorces ettlin for tae help fowk gaither con2022
Central - EDN weemen ettlin for tae prise confidences oot2011
Central - EDN his haun, smilin enticement, ettlin for tae pu him back ontae the2011
Central - LAL e sit an listen day efter day ettlin for the wee bit word that'll 2007
Central - SEC Weill awa im A! An whan he's ettlin for ti finnd his naig, A'l be2007
Central - LAL Saw snipie ettlin fou wi watter's reek, 2010
Southern - SEA Ettlin frae meat ti win ayelestin ly2003
Central - WCE s tae 'ken his faither', an's ettlin fur Horace tae gie him a knoc2006
Central - LAL wen that pack wi ither wi her ettlin his ilka need amaist afore he2014
Doric - DOR ppit her hanns ower her lugs, ettlin in vain tae shut out the fley2021
Doric - DOR en forbye me?" speirt Ailice, ettlin nae tae tak ony heed o the Ro2021
Central - WCE addie and ye could see he wis ettlin no tae be feart fae the Gorgo2019
Central - LAL istopher Robin licht' somely, ettlin no tae let on that he had bee2010
Central - LAL settin-oot; in fact, onybody ettlin oan pitten oot a 'Collectit W2008
Ulster - GUL t til mïddlin tack afore tha ettlin o homologatit leid coorses an2015
Doric - MNAPray fur me - the quine is ettlin oot anither recipe #sairkyte2018
Central - WCE We're killin oorsels ilka day ettlin oot spirit-levels for the Eas2019
Central - LAL n intae nice wee prefabs, the ettlin o the rest o the warld tae ac2007
Ulster - GUL er-Scotch leids, A walcum tha ettlin o this Owersettin Hub.”2021
Central - LAL Hing kiltered here: anither ettlin push 2010
Ulster - BUL On ettlin ra? 2009
Doric - MNA they cud stabilise it an war ettlin sair tae inbring the Sizzens 2007
Central - LAL An Dante, gin ye’re ettlin still tae flyte,2004
Doric - DOR despite ettlin tae 2023
Doric - DOR aakin kyn o things at I'm nae ettlin tae - " 2021
Central - WCE cots language wad an could be ettlin tae achieve. The lang, slaw d2019
Central - SEC s tae chynge nou is a bit lik ettlin tae assuage warld puirtith by2002
Central - LAL on. As far as possible we are ettlin tae avoid een giein the equiv2009
Central - LAL They waur ettlin tae be gaun thigither!'2017
Central - LAL ettlin tae be lowsed; she rises on t2020
Central - LAL ntit King wis fou o hissel an ettlin tae be michtie. 'Ah'll no kin2022
Doric - DOR an lifted their heids, baith ettlin tae better unnerstaun their a2003
Central - LAL snaw an slippie causey it wis ettlin tae bi a guid streetch. Fit f2011
Central - NEC n. The stookie haes haed fowk ettlin tae blaw it up, an haed ‘mo2017
Central - LAL e trees in the nicht, and wis ettlin tae blaw the brainches aff ta2010
Doric - DUNAn Fawkes an his pals wis ettlin tae blaw up a Scotsman. https2020
Central - LAL he day makkin it uissfae whan ettlin tae braiden yer Scots vocabul2015
Central - NEC morous profession, an wis aye ettlin tae brak oot o the Derk Age.2018
Central - LAL hay cryed Ultima Thule. Efter ettlin tae catch a better sicht o it2020
Central - LAL wi breengin and birlin aboot ettlin tae catch up wi itsel, noo fl2010
Southern - SEA ogress o the plague. “Still ettlin tae cheynge the warld?”2021
Central - LAL ettlin tae clap his muckle haunds ow2009
Central - WCE itherin, 'Ah've actually been ettlin tae cleck wan aboot you, Miss2019
Central - DUN richtwing Spanish politician ettlin tae cling on tae Spain's cont2017
Doric - MNA ee loon fas fingers war aywis ettlin tae collect things. Aathin th2014
Central - AYR e hear the bairn? . . . she's ettlin tae come up tae Priesthill. I2012
Central - DUN aroun like heidless chickens ettlin tae come up wi some ploy that2017
Central - EDN a realised that Derriakin wis ettlin tae come wi thaim. Raggle an 2011
Doric - MNA ma door aat eicht o clock an ettlin tae convert me tae believe in2018
Doric - MNAposting fur wikks ah hiv been ettlin tae convert the internet inta2015
Central - SWE tral focus is oan twa parents ettlin tae cope wi thir wean's sever2005
Central - LAL ter. She breithes in aw swith ettlin tae cuil doun the mowten mush2021
Central - LAL ter. She breithes in owerfest ettlin tae cuil hit doun.2021
Central - WCE he name o the wee man were ye ettlin tae dae, mak yersel look swan2019
Central - LAL 'and syne yell ken whit we're ettlin tae dae.' 2010
Central - SEC e gey relevant tae whit I’m ettlin tae dae in this book — gie 2023
Central - LAL at yince that whit they were ettlin tae dae tae Teeger wis a guid2010
Central - LAL nstance. Sae, e'en gin Ah was ettlin tae dae the ilk research ower2002
Central - GLA heen bodies ben the wab wha'r ettlin tae dae the impossible, mak w2002
Central - DUN Chancellor tells ye whit he's ettlin tae dae wi oor siller.2017
Doric - DOR war tae lat me ken fit ye're ettlin tae dee neist, 2021
Central - EDN d Hsien, “gin thoo’s only ettlin tae disarm the bastart, daena2011
Central - DUN orate an on the back o it are ettlin tae dismantle the Welfare Sta2017
Central - LAL a saft, cannie wey o gabbin, ettlin tae eemitate fowk he had seen2014
Central - LAL his Phaedra haes the mense o ettlin tae eik oot the rax o Scots t2007
Central - SEC b, that rins the wabsteid, is ettlin tae eik Russian an Japanese a2000
Doric - DOR ae thing, gin the deemie wes ettlin tae ery on ye for your lesson2021
Central - WCE 'Ah'm ettlin tae explain tae ye,' Miss Hon2019
Central - WCE 'Ah think whit ah'm ettlin tae explain tae ye,' she said2019
Central - LAL Ettlin tae fecht,2017
Central - LAL wi the thocht thit summit wis ettlin tae fell aw ma baists, an noo2011
Central - SEC is the anes that we shuid be ettlin tae fetch on-buird.2002
Central - NEC ore it wis alive, like a body ettlin tae fill a bath wi the plug o2017
Central - LAL o material, but acause we are ettlin tae fill some o the gaps as w2008
Central - LAL Ettlin tae find Robert Henrysoun.2005
Doric - DOR ourichies, like swarms o bees ettlin tae flee awa frae the cauld a2001
Central - LAL r aff herdin wild baudrons as ettlin tae fling the wan blanket owe2022
Central - SEC r o oor Ludge an ma faither's ettlin tae follae him intil the Chai2006
Central - SEC dae agin the feck o the fowk ettlin tae force thair ain language 2008
Central - SEC wi cless is a muckle kinch in ettlin tae forder the Scots language2008
Central - LAL itit tae gie a haund. Ah mind ettlin tae fork the silage up intae 2019
Central - AYR I'm no ettlin tae forleit ocht 2013
Central - LAL perience is hailly immersive, ettlin tae for tae increase the brid2022
Central - LAL n gaed oan. ‘Ye ken, Ah wis ettlin tae fund a braw name fir ye. 2009
Central - WCE Miss Honey said. 'Ah wis jist ettlin tae fund oot if she came fae 2019
Central - WCE 've done than ye ur, and ah'm ettlin tae fund some mensefu way tae2019
Central - LAL Ridseard Watson) - but wha's ettlin tae gar's trou at siccan a ca2001
Central - LAL k were elbain and jundyin and ettlin tae get a bit closer tae the 2016
Central - LAL been, ettlin tae get a braith, her een ope2018
Doric - ABN affin aboot lik he wis a swan ettlin tae get airborne. He wint lik2011
Doric - MNAEttlin tae get car space aat Royal C2015
Central - SEC Ettlin tae get inside yer tum2004
Central - LAL haumer tae see if onybody wis ettlin tae get intae his hinny-press2010
Central - LAL Tod, 'because this place I'm ettlin tae get tae is sic a mervello2008
Central - AYR ourt wis in a richt stramash, ettlin tae get the Dormous chuckt oo2014
Doric - DOR Ailice, raxin out her hann an ettlin tae gie't a clap, but it jist2021
Central - SEC elike thing tae dae if it wis ettlin tae gie its readers an inlat 2005
Central - SEC lls aboot a bairn-less wumman ettlin tae git haud o a stravaigit b2003
Doric - DOR ma life A hae been howplessly ettlin tae git inby a chuckie A cud 2018
Central - LAL auldit in hauf, as if she wis ettlin tae grovel wi her face2018
Central - DUN he Jacobites in Scotland were ettlin tae hae the Stuarts back as K2010
Central - AYR an happt thaim in his jaiket, ettlin tae haun thaim back in time t2012
Ulster - GUL evel o' detail grew ap in an' ettlin tae heft curns tae forder cap2022
Central - LAL talk tae a biddy. An me jist ettlin tae help, ye ken." She lukked2008
Central - LAL a haund – they’re ayewis ettlin tae help mortals – which o 2002
Central - EDN ssess the warld,” he sayed, ettlin tae herten her. “You traive2011
Doric - DOR a rael Teegar tae me!"A said, ettlin tae hiv the lest wird.2011
Central - LAL o a wanchancie deep-sea veige ettlin tae hoise whit’s cried blac2003
Central - LAL s sentence amang hes neebors, ettlin tae insense thaim that he'd h2013
Central - LAL rst listened oot wi interest, ettlin tae jalouse whit wis happenin2003
Doric - ABN mbody micht get skaithed. Yer ettlin tae justifee yer fecht wi a '2010
Central - LAL peed an splairgin up ma legs. Ettlin tae keep ma new breeks dry A 2015
Central - NEC battle zones. The local fowk ettlin tae keep watch ower the bodie2018
Central - LAL s gaun tae be a stieve tyauve ettlin tae lairn his tred athoot Ern2001
Central - LALr tongue, there's nae herm in ettlin tae lairn it! https://t.co/2W2019
Central - LALttps://t.co/Awd8z3CSvG Wasn't ettlin tae lairn this but wis roon a2020
Central - AYR a pair o gloves, an wis juist ettlin tae leave the chaumer, when h2014
Central - LAL n. I wis thrang wi my ingine, ettlin tae lowse a bol that wis ower2017
Central - SWE Ettlin tae lowse thaim, Ah dwall on 2023
Central - SEC t knockin in imaginary nails, ettlin tae luik grawn up and manly.2008
Central - AYR hunner stout an resolute men, ettlin tae mairch tae Embro an lat t2012
Central - LAL rin towards this brig, he wis ettlin tae mak a bit o poetry aboot 2010
Doric - ABN pintin an grummlin, forivver ettlin tae mak blin fowk see the lic2010
Doric - DOR med steive-like at ony skelf, ettlin tae mak out azacly fit it hed2021
Central - LAL A stertit climin up the baunk ettlin tae meet up wi Trev on the br2014
Central - LAL ntae some daft sang or ither, ettlin tae mind lines, as like: 2003
Central - LAL Daft Annie wis aye ettlin tae nettle iz, sae this wisna2017
Central - SEC aith the SNDA an the DOST wis ettlin tae offeecially git cleekit t2002
Central - LAL said Hermes, peched oot efter ettlin tae ootrin her ae time, “ca2002
Central - LAL the fechter, an wi pretence o ettlin tae pairt thaim, sleekit a li2008
Central - WCE Ettlin tae partake o some hamelt far2006
Central - DUN that the fowk o Scotland are ettlin tae peacably walk awa fae an 2017
Central - LAL an lowpin aroond the circles, ettlin tae pick up an then hit the r2002
Central - SEC historic tulyie tae an end bi ettlin tae pit Berwick-on-Tweed back2002
Central - EDN . In this owersettin, I am no ettlin tae pit forrit the text in on2023
Central - SEC itter sairiously an wis juist ettlin tae pit hinders in the wey o 2002
Central - LAL Na, he kens weill Langshank's ettlin tae pit oor nation aneath his2022
Central - SEC ts Parliament. Researchers is ettlin tae pit oot aboot saxteen bui2002
Doric - ABN e an dry!'. The peer Prof wis ettlin tae play a stracht bat, but S2014
Doric - ABN Faar A'm A?" speirt Farquhar, ettlin tae pou hissel up ontae a sho2010
Central - LAL ordnar resources fir teachers ettlin tae promote Scots in the cles2017
Doric - MNA repeating a #Doric wirdie an ettlin tae putten on a #Scottish acc2018
Central - SEC ce, an airts correspondent is ettlin tae record a wireless intervi2008
Central - LAL mair than forty year o exile, ettlin tae retrieve and scrieve the 2022
Doric - DOR wer't; sounin richt fasht, an ettlin tae rise as he weg Spickin. 2021
Central - EDN d wirkit oot whit the lad wis ettlin tae say, Bill replied, “Tib2011
Central - LAL Pooh kent whit he wis ettlin tae say, but, bein a Bear o N2010
Southern - WCE tae ken whit 'twes ye wir ettlin tae say. 2009
Central - LAL Whit A'm ettlin tae say is 'at thay hae foond2015
Central - SEC er the New Year. Onie maimber ettlin tae see a copy o Scots Tung's2002
Central - LAL e been the flair, but wis noo ettlin tae see hoo it looked as a wa2010
Central - SEC rtit staunin oan hes tiptaes, ettlin tae see ower the heids o aw t2017
Central - LAL glentin frae ablow her broos, ettlin tae see wha amang her new nee2009
Central - DUN at ettlin tae set up some new arrangeme2017
Doric - DOR her hann about as gin she wes ettlin tae shak it richt aff. "My fi2021
Central - LAL ye in front o ye when ye were ettlin tae show him 2010
Central - LAL Haud us awa fae the ettlin tae sin2001
Doric - DOR wes liggin douce an quaet an ettlin tae sing a wee thrum or twa, 2021
Central - LAL 'See! I speak when I'm no ettlin tae speak. Sae it must be a g2010
Central - SEC 'Seein's wir ettlin tae spen the nixt seevety ir 2017
Central - LAL. It's a sair fecht gin ye're ettlin tae spik or scrieve in yer mi2018
Doric - DOR leen?" said Ajilice, fa wesna ettlin tae stert an argie-bargie. 2021
Doric - DOR Ailice still wesna ettlin tae stert anidder argie-bargi2021
Central - LAL e I wis sair scunnert, an wis ettlin tae stert takkin apairt my in2017
Ulster - GUL Hit's laike a schuil o' fasch ettlin tae survive in watter at bes 2022
Central - LAL he wis ettlin tae swick her.2018
Central - DUN o great importance gin we are ettlin tae tak back oor status as a 2017
Central - LAL liggit thonder for a meinute, ettlin tae tak it in. Whit chynge ha2022
Central - LAL "You'r ettlin tae tak the rag oot o me agan2011
Doric - ABN er thrapple like a wild beast ettlin tae teer yer Adam's aipple oo2010
Southern - SEA fore, an whit hei hez ey been ettlin tae tell iz aa; anenst his di2003
Central - WCE , sittin in the lowest class, ettlin tae tell me a muckle great li2019
Doric - ABN v ye nae ken me?' He was fair ettlin tae tell Mickey the trowth; b2014
Central - LAL 'It's ettlin tae tell us sumhin, A'm shair2017
Central - LAL t does this weel-intendit (?) ettlin tae threap the separateness a2022
Central - LAL naut?’ she speired at Doug, ettlin tae tie the skates on wi ane 2002
Central - LAL ae heich; or aiblins wes jist ettlin tae towt his frein. But Dante2004
Central - WCE it'd be as daft as ettlin tae train a Donkey 2006
Central - LAL ss tae the pynt whaur we’re ettlin tae turn conceps intae wirdin2003
Central - LAL e trick again,” she thocht, ettlin tae turn her een fae its bonn2002
Central - DUN rofiteerin suits that are aye ettlin tae turn historic buildins ow2017
Doric - DOR intae cannles: acause they're ettlin tae turntheirsels intae Snap-2021
Central - LAL ly unalike schuils o lair – ettlin tae unnerstaund nocht less no2003
Central - SEC tae ask a person hou they're ettlin tae vote. Ah hink the questio2018
Central - LAL . Whit if the thing they were ettlin tae wheech awa wis even clagg2011
Doric - MNA epie-crawlin ower the steens, ettlin tae win back her ain. On jagg2007
Central - SEC anguage requirements for fowk ettlin tae win tae British citizensh2002
Doric - DOR icht o the knowe she hed been ettlin tae win til for siccan a lang2021
Central - LAL are an uissfae wark for thaim ettlin tae write lee-wark in the lei2015
Central - AYR Haen nae ettlin tae yase decait or thole deca2013
Central - EDN ng they needit - the fundies ettlin tae ‘leeberate’ the ‘pr2011
Doric - MNA He'd thocht o ettlin the data-banks on the compute2007
Central - SEC in at ane onkent veisitor wes ettlin ti2000
Central - SEC ed Mirren an Ruth, an wes nou ettlin ti2000
Central - LAL thankit her, an we war ettlin ti dae’t, but juist afore t2010
Central - SEC s nou pang-fo o cheils at wes ettlin ti follae2000
Central - SEC . The Rid Douglas, at wes nou ettlin ti gang furth,2000
Central - WCE e sterk days, monie fowk, war ettlin ti grup tae life or it wes me2007
Central - SEC wes ettlin ti hae revengance on the sop 2000
Doric - MNA Americay, bit it hid bin fun ettlin till thae placies. The boatie2007
Central - LAL weel again, thair faither wis ettlin ti pass the hail episode ower2014
Central - SEC furm o E. Ross Esq, ettlin ti saunt awaw inti the wull a2000
Central - EDN Sae the Pecht idaias wes aye ettlin ti wun forrit in hiz hauns an2016
Central - SEC thair lugs at the sojers wes ettlin ti wun ower the Forth an2000
Central - SEC The vyce spak caum-like, ettlin to quaten her into guid mense2007
Central - SEC y, an A gree that we're baith ettlin towards the selsame ends, mib2002
Central - LAL licht tone an the scriever's ettlin whiles tae amuse the reader w2005
Central - LAL ts ain as a skeilfou screivit ettlin whither it be poem, owersetti2023
Central - EDN ck, shakkin his dosan whiles, ettlin wi aa his maucht tae mind wha2021
Ulster - GUL rd o Ulstèr-Scotch's Claught Ettlin wull eik til tha implymentin 2015