A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'ettlin'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
ettlinOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus97.631868
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 32.7 10 2
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 76.6 7 3
DOR - General Northern 106.4 24 6
NEC - North East Central 185.5 4 1
SEC - (South) East Central 104 41 10
WCE - West Central 78.2 17 5
DUN - Dundee 106.2 10 2
EDN - Edinburgh 100.2 16 5
GLA - Glasgow 4.6 1 1
AYR - Ayrshire 104.8 8 2
LAL - General Central 148.6 112 35
SEA - South East (Borders) 49.9 4 3
SWE - South West (Galloway) 41.7 3 2
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 88.3 1 1
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster 843.3 60 3
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of ettlin in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.

Mid Northern A

Blackhall, Sheena The Quarry, (Lochlands 2007) Doric, prose
epie-crawlin ower the steens, ettlin tae win back her ain. On jagg
Americay, bit it hid bin fun ettlin till thae placies. The boatie
He'd thocht o ettlin the data-banks on the compute
they cud stabilise it an war ettlin sair tae inbring the Sizzens
4 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Jessie the Jumbo And other Bairn Tales in Scots, (Smashwords 2014) Doric - Aberdeen, weans
ee loon fas fingers war aywis ettlin tae collect things. Aathin th
1 matches

@DoricPhrases tweeted
Ettlin tae get car space aat Royal C(2015)
posting fur wikks ah hiv been ettlin tae convert the internet inta(2015)
ma door aat eicht o clock an ettlin tae convert me tae believe in(2018)
Pray fur me - the quine is ettlin oot anither recipe #sairkyte(2018)
repeating a #Doric wirdie an ettlin tae putten on a #Scottish acc(2018)


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 77 - Anither Time, Anither Place, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
er thrapple like a wild beast ettlin tae teer yer Adam's aipple oo on page 29
pintin an grummlin, forivver ettlin tae mak blin fowk see the lic on page 34

2 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 77 - Farquhar, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
Faar A'm A?" speirt Farquhar, ettlin tae pou hissel up ontae a sho on page 97
mbody micht get skaithed. Yer ettlin tae justifee yer fecht wi a ' on page 99

2 matches

Kynoch, Douglas Lallans 84 - The Ferlie, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Doric, prose
v ye nae ken me?' He was fair ettlin tae tell Mickey the trowth; b on page 77

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 85 - The Clash o the Titans, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Doric, prose
e an dry!'. The peer Prof wis ettlin tae play a stracht bat, but S on page 58

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 79 - The Tattiebogle, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Doric - Aberdeen, prose
affin aboot lik he wis a swan ettlin tae get airborne. He wint lik on page 14

1 matches

General Northern

Diansangu, Mae Tales Fae The Doric Side - My Faither's Fowk, (Doric Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-8384939-6-7) Doric, poetry
canna stap the bleed fae ettlin on page 39

1 matches

Diansangu, Mae Tales Fae The Doric Side - Exodus20:3, (Doric Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-8384939-6-7) Doric, poetry
despite ettlin tae on page 67

1 matches

McDonald, John Mou Her Name, (Evertype 2018 ISBN: 978-1782012054) Doric, poetry
ma life A hae been howplessly ettlin tae git inby a chuckie A cud on page 3

1 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 78 - Scots Teegars, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Doric, prose
a rael Teegar tae me!"A said, ettlin tae hiv the lest wird. on page 80

1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Throwe the Keekin-Gless an Fit Ailice Funn There, (Evertype 2021 ISBN: 978-1782012559) Doric, prose
wes liggin douce an quaet an ettlin tae sing a wee thrum or twa, on page 9
aakin kyn o things at I'm nae ettlin tae - " on page 20
en forbye me?" speirt Ailice, ettlin nae tae tak ony heed o the Ro on page 28
icht o the knowe she hed been ettlin tae win til for siccan a lang on page 29
intae cannles: acause they're ettlin tae turntheirsels intae Snap- on page 43
Also on pages 44, 45, 67, 70, 77, 78, 80, 82, 100, 101
17 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Lallans 58 - Dour, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Doric, prose
ourichies, like swarms o bees ettlin tae flee awa frae the cauld a on page 51

1 matches

Murdoch, Steve Lallans 63 - Poacher, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
an lifted their heids, baith ettlin tae better unnerstaun their a
1 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 76 - Wullie’s Wife: The Hoaspital Veisit, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
getting caulder an caulder an ettlin efter a pish. A minded whin W
1 matches

North East Central

Heather, Alistair The Body Snatchers, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Angus, blog
morous profession, an wis aye ettlin tae brak oot o the Derk Age.
battle zones. The local fowk ettlin tae keep watch ower the bodie
2 matches

Heather, Alistair The porage revolution: Hou porage cam tae mak Scotland habitable, (Mak Forrit 2017) Central - Angus, blog
ore it wis alive, like a body ettlin tae fill a bath wi the plug o
1 matches

Heather, Alistair Lat the auld witch burn, (Mak Forrit 2017) Central - Angus, blog
n. The stookie haes haed fowk ettlin tae blaw it up, an haed ‘mo
1 matches

(South) East Central

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 90 - Serendipity, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
rtit staunin oan hes tiptaes, ettlin tae see ower the heids o aw t on page 27
'Seein's wir ettlin tae spen the nixt seevety ir on page 32

3 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 68 - The Fower Jyners o the Apocalypse, (Lallans Magazine 2006) Central, prose
r o oor Ludge an ma faither's ettlin tae follae him intil the Chai on page 26

2 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 70 - A Bannock Day’s Pley for Thrie Fowk, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, script
Weill awa im A! An whan he's ettlin for ti finnd his naig, A'l be on page 48

2 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Lallans 59 - A Day Weel Spent, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central - East Lothian, prose
odds wi what they wis?" A wis ettlin at pyntin oot whatna tirrivee on page 125

1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Lallans 67 - Clash fae Cauld Hill, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, poetry
Ettlin a shot at the No-Wyce deils. on page 39

1 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 73 - The Glesgy Screwdriver, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central - Midlothian, prose
t knockin in imaginary nails, ettlin tae luik grawn up and manly. on page 99

1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 178, (self-published 2008) Central, newspaper
dae agin the feck o the fowk ettlin tae force thair ain language
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Report on Inquiry intil the role Submission, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central - East Lothian, government
a be uized binna the writer's ettlin for a parteeclar dialeck.
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy A Day Weel Spent, (sandyfleming.org 2003) Central - East Lothian, prose
odds wi what they wis?" I wis ettlin at pyntin oot whatna tirrivee
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Shudder at the Niffer, (sandyfleming.org 2003) Central - East Lothian, prose
itjaiket" etc. If a writer is ettlin at shawin this kin o mistak i
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 108, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
er the New Year. Onie maimber ettlin tae see a copy o Scots Tung's
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS nummer 109, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
is the anes that we shuid be ettlin tae fetch on-buird.
y, an A gree that we're baith ettlin towards the selsame ends, mib
s tae chynge nou is a bit lik ettlin tae assuage warld puirtith by
3 matches

Forde, Iain W D Hale Ir Sindries - Buik Twa, (Fons Scotiae 2000) Central, prose
wes ettlin ti hae revengance on the sop
thair lugs at the sojers wes ettlin ti wun ower the Forth an
s nou pang-fo o cheils at wes ettlin ti follae
furm o E. Ross Esq, ettlin ti saunt awaw inti the wull a
in at ane onkent veisitor wes ettlin ti
7 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 76 - The Man Wha Jeopardeized The Continued Existence O The Universe, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
"What ir ye daein? What ir ye ettlin efter?"
1 matches

Morton, Elaine Lallans 71 - The Concreit Bouer, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
The vyce spak caum-like, ettlin to quaten her into guid mense
1 matches

Waddell, John Halesome Farin, (iUniverse 2004 ISBN: 978-0595330119) Central - Perth, poetry
Ettlin tae get inside yer tum
1 matches

Kay, Billy Born In Kyle, (Burnawn Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-9993309-4-1) Central - Kyle, prose
e gey relevant tae whit I’m ettlin tae dae in this book — gie
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 177, (self-published 2008) Central, newspaper
wi cless is a muckle kinch in ettlin tae forder the Scots language
1 matches

Clark, Sara Scot Free -The Psychic Cost O Uisin Scots, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central, blog
t ah kent whit the singer wis ettlin at. It wisnae important tae m
1 matches

Clark, Sara Indyref 2: Aulder, Wiser, Kinder, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central, blog
tae ask a person hou they're ettlin tae vote. Ah hink the questio
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 142, (self-published 2005) Central, newspaper
elike thing tae dae if it wis ettlin tae gie its readers an inlat
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 119, (self-published 2003) Central - Musselburgh, newspaper
lls aboot a bairn-less wumman ettlin tae git haud o a stravaigit b
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 175, (self-published 2008) Central - Musselburgh, newspaper
ce, an airts correspondent is ettlin tae record a wireless intervi
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 100, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
itter sairiously an wis juist ettlin tae pit hinders in the wey o
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 101, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
anguage requirements for fowk ettlin tae win tae British citizensh
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 102, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
historic tulyie tae an end bi ettlin tae pit Berwick-on-Tweed back
aith the SNDA an the DOST wis ettlin tae offeecially git cleekit t
2 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 106, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
ts Parliament. Researchers is ettlin tae pit oot aboot saxteen bui
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 75, (self-published 2000) Central, newspaper
b, that rins the wabsteid, is ettlin tae eik Russian an Japanese a
1 matches

West Central

Donovan, Anne Matilda In Scots, (Itchy Coo 2019 ISBN: 978-1785302350) Central, weans
he name o the wee man were ye ettlin tae dae, mak yersel look swan on page 56
itherin, 'Ah've actually been ettlin tae cleck wan aboot you, Miss on page 72
Miss Honey said. 'Ah wis jist ettlin tae fund oot if she came fae on page 90
ae make it tae the tap or die ettlin. Whit's mair, he noo kent his on page 124
addie and ye could see he wis ettlin no tae be feart fae the Gorgo on page 135
Also on pages 150, 173, 174, 193
9 matches

Neill, Willie Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Southern, poetry
tae ken whit 'twes ye wir ettlin tae say. on page 145

1 matches

Wilson, Rab Accent O the Mind, (Luath 2006 ISBN: 978-1905222322) Central - New Cumnock, poetry
Ettlin tae partake o some hamelt far on page 56
it'd be as daft as ettlin tae train a Donkey on page 107
s tae 'ken his faither', an's ettlin fur Horace tae gie him a knoc on page 123

3 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 75 - Review - The Shorter fiction, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
l, an his new editors, wad be ettlin efter!)
1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 71 - Review - Auld Campaigner: A Life of Alexander Scott, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
e sterk days, monie fowk, war ettlin ti grup tae life or it wes me
1 matches

Clark, Thomas Aw Aboard! The fecht for the Scots language stairts the day!, (Bella Caledonia 2019) Central - Bellshill, blog
cots language wad an could be ettlin tae achieve. The lang, slaw d
We're killin oorsels ilka day ettlin oot spirit-levels for the Eas
2 matches


McHardy, Stuart The Wey Forrit, (Luath 2017 ISBN: 978-1912147014) Central, prose
Chancellor tells ye whit he's ettlin tae dae wi oor siller. on page 39
orate an on the back o it are ettlin tae dismantle the Welfare Sta on page 52
o great importance gin we are ettlin tae tak back oor status as a on page 64
rofiteerin suits that are aye ettlin tae turn historic buildins ow on page 88
that the fowk o Scotland are ettlin tae peacably walk awa fae an on page 129
Also on pages 130, 140, 141
8 matches

McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
he Jacobites in Scotland were ettlin tae hae the Stuarts back as K on page 120

1 matches

@d_anderson878 tweeted
An Fawkes an his pals wis ettlin tae blaw up a Scotsman. https(2020)


Pyper, Hugh S. The Five Scrolls, (Handsel Press 2023 ISBN: 978-1912052790) Central, poetry
. In this owersettin, I am no ettlin tae pit forrit the text in on on page vii

2 matches

Forde, Iain W D Traisur Insch (excerpt), (Fons Scotiae 2008) Central, prose
Skipper. Ai! A sei whit ye'r ettlin at. Thare!" an he flang doun on page 4

1 matches

Forde, Iain W D Chronikil o Scotland (excerpt), (Fons Scotiae 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9574164-3-7) Central, prose
Sae the Pecht idaias wes aye ettlin ti wun forrit in hiz hauns an on page 44

1 matches

McPartlin, John Lallans 67 - Efter the Bonspiel, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, poetry
Until, ettlin' tae miss hairm's reach, on page 63

1 matches

Smith, Jamie The dingin doun o devolution, (Mak Forrit 2020) Central - Edinburgh, blog
Brítish government haes been ettlin at pentin us wi a big braid b
1 matches

Smith, Jamie Effeirin tae the formal: Laitinate lendwirds in Scots, (Mak Forrit 2019) Central - Edinburgh, blog
English or whativer — that ettlin efter a better conception o i
1 matches

Smith, Jamie Animal Ferm: Chapters I to III, (Mak Forrit 2021) Central, prose
ck, shakkin his dosan whiles, ettlin wi aa his maucht tae mind wha
1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
d wirkit oot whit the lad wis ettlin tae say, Bill replied, “Tib
d Hsien, “gin thoo’s only ettlin tae disarm the bastart, daena
weemen ettlin for tae prise confidences oot
t fond o the halflins she wis ettlin for tae help. Bit it wasna he
a realised that Derriakin wis ettlin tae come wi thaim. Raggle an
8 matches


Durie, Nick A Scots Letter, (peffers50.freeserve 2002) Central - Glasgow, prose
heen bodies ben the wab wha'r ettlin tae dae the impossible, mak w
1 matches


Begg, James A. Alison's Jants in Ferlieland, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010845) Central, prose
Ettlin-like tae "queen-it": on page 5
a pair o gloves, an wis juist ettlin tae leave the chaumer, when h on page 33
ourt wis in a richt stramash, ettlin tae get the Dormous chuckt oo on page 44

3 matches

Begg, James A. The Man's the Gowd for A' That, (Carn Publishing 2012 ISBN: 978-0956755049) Central, prose
hunner stout an resolute men, ettlin tae mairch tae Embro an lat t on page 26
e hear the bairn? . . . she's ettlin tae come up tae Priesthill. I on page 42
an happt thaim in his jaiket, ettlin tae haun thaim back in time t on page 54

3 matches

Gilliland, Sam Lallans 83 - Cochise o the Apache Nation, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, poetry
Haen nae ettlin tae yase decait or thole deca on page 25
I'm no ettlin tae forleit ocht on page 26

2 matches

General Central

Robertson, James Precious and the Puggies, (Itchy Coo 2011 ISBN: 978-1845023324) Central, weans
. Whit if the thing they were ettlin tae wheech awa wis even clagg on page 64

1 matches

Donati, Colin The Student and the Pawnwife , (Itchy Coo 2003 ISBN: 978-1902927817) Central, prose
rst listened oot wi interest, ettlin tae jalouse whit wis happenin on page 138
ntae some daft sang or ither, ettlin tae mind lines, as like: on page 140

2 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 84 - Awa wi’t, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Central, prose
k o her mynd. She fand hersel ettlin bi turns ti win til't an ti j on page 18
weel again, thair faither wis ettlin ti pass the hail episode ower on page 20
wen that pack wi ither wi her ettlin his ilka need amaist afore he on page 30

3 matches

Rennie, Susan The Wee Prince, (Edition Lintenfass 2017 ISBN: 978-3946190592) Central, prose
e I wis sair scunnert, an wis ettlin tae stert takkin apairt my in on page 14
n. I wis thrang wi my ingine, ettlin tae lowse a bol that wis ower on page 28

2 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 85 - Archie Dodds, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Central, prose
a saft, cannie wey o gabbin, ettlin tae eemitate fowk he had seen on page 21
A stertit climin up the baunk ettlin tae meet up wi Trev on the br on page 25

2 matches

Harvey, Tracy Anne Lallans 90 - The Missus, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, poetry
They waur ettlin tae be gaun thigither!' on page 17
Ettlin tae fecht, on page 25

2 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 90 - Sally, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
Daft Annie wis aye ettlin tae nettle iz, sae this wisna on page 59
'It's ettlin tae tell us sumhin, A'm shair on page 63

4 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 87 - The Neep Lantern, (Lallans Magazine 2015) Central, prose
peed an splairgin up ma legs. Ettlin tae keep ma new breeks dry A on page 22

1 matches

Philip, Andrew Lallans 70 - Fower Poems, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, poetry
e sit an listen day efter day ettlin for the wee bit word that'll on page 55

1 matches

Stevenson, Gerda Quines: Poems in tribute to women of Scotland, (Luath 2020 ISBN: 978-1913025502) Central, poetry
ettlin tae be lowsed; she rises on t on page 93

1 matches

Smith, Donald Saut and Bluid: A Scotsaga, (Luath 2022 ISBN: 978-1804250341) Central, prose
Na, he kens weill Langshank's ettlin tae pit oor nation aneath his on page 9
ntit King wis fou o hissel an ettlin tae be michtie. 'Ah'll no kin on page 14

12 matches

Hershaw, William Lallans 102 - Editorial: Jean Tamson’s Bairns, (Lallans Magazine 2023) Central, prose
ts ain as a skeilfou screivit ettlin whither it be poem, owersetti on page 8

1 matches

Fitt, Matthew Chairlie and the Chocolate Works, (Itchy Coo 2016 ISBN: 978-1-78530-083-7) Central, prose
k were elbain and jundyin and ettlin tae get a bit closer tae the on page 36

1 matches

Rennie, Susan Kat an Doug on Planet Perjink, (Itchy Coo 2002 ISBN: 978-1902927565) Central, weans
an lowpin aroond the circles, ettlin tae pick up an then hit the r on page 18

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Scots Warks - Uphaud an guidance for screivars, (Scots Language Centre 2015) Central, government
ower information, raither nor ettlin at airtistic ideas an styles. on page 4
he day makkin it uissfae whan ettlin tae braiden yer Scots vocabul on page 51
are an uissfae wark for thaim ettlin tae write lee-wark in the lei on page 61

3 matches

Travers, Martin A Nappie Lassie Blethers tae a Fritter, (Scots Language Centre 2021) Central, script
ter. She breithes in aw swith ettlin tae cuil doun the mowten mush on page 1
ter. She breithes in owerfest ettlin tae cuil hit doun. on page 2

2 matches

Robertson, James The Hoose at Pooh's Neuk, (Itchy Coo 2010 ISBN: 978-1845022945) Central, weans
wi breengin and birlin aboot ettlin tae catch up wi itsel, noo fl on page 3
haumer tae see if onybody wis ettlin tae get intae his hinny-press on page 18
'See! I speak when I'm no ettlin tae speak. Sae it must be a g on page 39
Pooh kent whit he wis ettlin tae say, but, bein a Bear o N on page 41
'and syne yell ken whit we're ettlin tae dae.' on page 64
Also on pages 68, 86, 105, 116, 119, 126
11 matches

Robertson, James The Sleekit Mr Tod, (Itchy Coo 2008 ISBN: 978-1845021986) Central, weans
Tod, 'because this place I'm ettlin tae get tae is sic a mervello on page 38

1 matches

Fitt, Matthew Kate O Shanter's Tale: And Other Poems, (Luath 2003 ISBN: 978-1842820285) Central, poetry
raxin, ettlin for his life: wha wid daur, on page 45

1 matches

Morton, Elaine Hamethocts, (Evertype 2010 ISBN: 978-1782012399) Central, poetry
Saw snipie ettlin fou wi watter's reek, on page 22
Hing kiltered here: anither ettlin push on page 44

2 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 58 - The Dumb Jyner, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
s gaun tae be a stieve tyauve ettlin tae lairn his tred athoot Ern on page 65

1 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 79 - The Ratton, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Central, prose
wi the thocht thit summit wis ettlin tae fell aw ma baists, an noo on page 79
"You'r ettlin tae tak the rag oot o me agan on page 81
snaw an slippie causey it wis ettlin tae bi a guid streetch. Fit f on page 84

3 matches

Macafee, Caroline Lallans 61 - Glesca dialeck i the modren warld, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Central, prose
nstance. Sae, e'en gin Ah was ettlin tae dae the ilk research ower on page 9

1 matches

Matheson, Ann Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
licht tone an the scriever's ettlin whiles tae amuse the reader w on page 90

1 matches

Hershaw, William Lallans 67 - In Search o Robert Henrysoun, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, poetry
Ettlin tae find Robert Henrysoun. on page 123

1 matches

Hershaw, William Eemis Stane 1 - The Laverock’s Nest, (Eemis Stane 2022) Central, prose
liggit thonder for a meinute, ettlin tae tak it in. Whit chynge ha on page 17

2 matches

Clark, Thomas Eemis Stane 1 - Ye’re Still Here? It’s Ower. Gang Hame., (Eemis Stane 2022) Central, prose
r aff herdin wild baudrons as ettlin tae fling the wan blanket owe on page 24

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
by his auld pairty doun-drag: ettlin at fleitchin Scotland alang i on page 110

1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 58 - Gairm review, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
Ridseard Watson) - but wha's ettlin tae gar's trou at siccan a ca on page 126

1 matches

Hershaw, William Lallans 59 - A Mass In Scots For Saint Andrae, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
Haud us awa fae the ettlin tae sin on page 97

1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 73 - Historical Lexicography and the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1700, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
o material, but acause we are ettlin tae fill some o the gaps as w on page 16

1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 73 - Waashin Day Weirriors, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
talk tae a biddy. An me jist ettlin tae help, ye ken." She lukked on page 66
the fechter, an wi pretence o ettlin tae pairt thaim, sleekit a li on page 67

3 matches

Wilson, Rab Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
settin-oot; in fact, onybody ettlin oan pitten oot a 'Collectit W on page 132

1 matches

Law, John Lallans 56 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
e lave, whit the quaisten wis ettlin at? An takkin thae pairts o t on page 4

1 matches

Macafee, Caroline Lallans 57 - Lea the leid alane, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
whit Alasdair Allan (1998) is ettlin at whan he cries doon the act on page 56

3 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 82 - Nae Guid Ettle, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, prose
s sentence amang hes neebors, ettlin tae insense thaim that he'd h on page 18

2 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit A gang-roond oor Sun Grid, (Scots Language Centre 2020) Central, blog
hay cryed Ultima Thule. Efter ettlin tae catch a better sicht o it
1 matches

Robertson, James The Deil, (Scottish Book Trust 2018) Central, prose
he wis ettlin tae swick her.
auldit in hauf, as if she wis ettlin tae grovel wi her face
been, ettlin tae get a braith, her een ope
3 matches

Robson, Frances Lallans 74 - Gentlemen of the road, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, poetry
ettlin tae clap his muckle haunds ow
1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 74 - Flittin In, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
glentin frae ablow her broos, ettlin tae see wha amang her new nee
1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 74 - Less Trauchle Nor A Bairn, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
n gaed oan. ‘Ye ken, Ah wis ettlin tae fund a braw name fir ye.
1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 74 - Burns an the Dictionar o the Scots Leid, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
on. As far as possible we are ettlin tae avoid een giein the equiv
1 matches

Somerville, Shirley-Anne Scots Government Commitments tae Gaelic an Scots an Scots Langages Bill: consultation, (gov.scot 2022 ISBN: 978-1804358313) Central - Holyrood, government
perience is hailly immersive, ettlin tae for tae increase the brid
rd an the Scots Langage Award ettlin at makkin a distinct threid o
Warks", guidance an resoorces ettlin for tae help fowk gaither con
3 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 62 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
ly unalike schuils o lair – ettlin tae unnerstaund nocht less no
1 matches

Macafee, Caroline Lallans 63 - Auld plain Scottis, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
ss tae the pynt whaur we’re ettlin tae turn conceps intae wirdin
1 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 63 - Stravaigin The Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
o a wanchancie deep-sea veige ettlin tae hoise whit’s cried blac
1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Are The Onybody Ither?, (Scots Language Centre 2022) Central, blog
soon win at the place ye war ettlin at, but ye see fae yer watch
1 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 76 - The Factory, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
thankit her, an we war ettlin ti dae’t, but juist afore t
1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 70 - The Language o the Glasgow Unity Plays, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
n intae nice wee prefabs, the ettlin o the rest o the warld tae ac
1 matches

Corbett, John Lallans 70 - Owersettins o Modren Drama intae Scots, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
his Phaedra haes the mense o ettlin tae eik oot the rax o Scots t
1 matches

Douglas, Ashley Whae Were the Pechts, (Dig It Scotland 2023) Central, prose
s, we maun tak guid tent whan ettlin at unnerstaunin and interpret
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Kintrae livin, (Mak Forrit 2019) Central - Edinburgh, blog
itit tae gie a haund. Ah mind ettlin tae fork the silage up intae
1 matches

Rennie, Susan The Hoose o Haivers, (Itchy Coo 2002 ISBN: 978-1902927442) Central, weans
a haund – they’re ayewis ettlin tae help mortals – which o
said Hermes, peched oot efter ettlin tae ootrin her ae time, “ca
e trick again,” she thocht, ettlin tae turn her een fae its bonn
3 matches

Rennie, Susan Kat an Doug on Planet Fankle, (Itchy Coo 2002 ISBN: 978-1902927459) Central, weans
naut?’ she speired at Doug, ettlin tae tie the skates on wi ane
1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 59 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, newspaper
whitiver it is the message is ettlin at. This is a new kind o main
1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 59 - A Stot an a Cleg, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, prose
ae heich; or aiblins wes jist ettlin tae towt his frein. But Dante
An Dante, gin ye’re ettlin still tae flyte,
2 matches

Wilson, Rab A centre of undeemous excellence fir Scots leid, (The National 2017) Central, newspaper
ordnar resources fir teachers ettlin tae promote Scots in the cles
1 matches

Duncan, Robert The Oor-Wulliefication o Scots?, (autumnvoices.co.uk 2022) Central, blog
mair than forty year o exile, ettlin tae retrieve and scrieve the
t does this weel-intendit (?) ettlin tae threap the separateness a
2 matches

Smirnov, Kuzma , (Facebook 2015) Central, prose
Whit A'm ettlin tae say is 'at thay hae foond
1 matches

@jack_capener tweeted
r tongue, there's nae herm in ettlin tae lairn it! https://t.co/2W(2019)

@mcfarlane_irene tweeted
. It's a sair fecht gin ye're ettlin tae spik or scrieve in yer mi(2018)

@rosa_alba_macd tweeted
ttps://t.co/Awd8z3CSvG Wasn't ettlin tae lairn this but wis roon a(2020)

South East (Borders)

Purves, David Jade Lute, (SCOTS Corpus 2003) Southern - Selkirk, poetry
Ettlin frae meat ti win ayelestin ly
1 matches

Rodger, Matt The Borth’ick Waitter, (SCOTS Corpus 2003) Southern - Roxburgh, prose
appearinlie ey ettlin efter daen sumane, sum guid,
fore, an whit hei hez ey been ettlin tae tell iz aa; anenst his di
2 matches

Stevenson, Gerda Kilmeny, (Scottish Language Center 2021) Southern - Scottish Borders, prose
ogress o the plague. “Still ettlin tae cheynge the warld?”
1 matches

South West (Galloway)

Paterson, Stuart A. Wheen: New and Collected Poems, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2023 ISBN: 978-1838480431) Central, poetry
like thir a wee sint swait an ettlin's on page 60
Ettlin tae lowse thaim, Ah dwall on on page 63

2 matches

Niven, Liz Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
tral focus is oan twa parents ettlin tae cope wi thir wean's sever on page 87

1 matches

Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)

Fenton, James On Slaimish, (Ullans Press 2009 ISBN: 9781905281299) Ulster, poetry
On ettlin ra? on page 53

1 matches

General Ulster

Ni Chuilin, Caral Roadin furtae Bring Forrits an Graith tha ULSTER-SCOTCH Leid, Heirskip an Cultur, (Mannystrie o Fowkgates, Airts an Aisedom 2015) Ulster, government
ike o biggin, fairmin an toon ettlin; an kines o mellin an silleri on page 7
Claught Paction as pairt o an ettlin airtit at tha refoondin o twi on page 12
feck o resydentèrs. Its heid ettlin bes tae hain an fordèr kintr on page 14
Ettlin 1: Tae eik til respeck fur th on page 19
Ettlin 3: Tae graith Ulstèr-Scotch on page 20
Also on pages 21, 26, 27, 35, 41, 46, 48, 54, 58
57 matches

Crozier, Ian Recomendations fer an Ulster-Scots plen fer oor leid, heirskeip an’ culture, (communities-ni.gov.uk 2022) Ulster, government
Hit's laike a schuil o' fasch ettlin tae survive in watter at bes on page 20
evel o' detail grew ap in an' ettlin tae heft curns tae forder cap on page 38

2 matches

DfC Press Offys Hargey sets oot Owersettin Hub, (Depairtment fur Commonities 2021) Ulster, government
er-Scotch leids, A walcum tha ettlin o this Owersettin Hub.”
1 matches

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