A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'luk'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
lukOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus80.526243
ORK - Orkney 536.6 54 13
SHD - Shetland 5.8 1 1
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 20.3 8 4
WCE - West Central 13.8 3 1
DUN - Dundee
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow
AYR - Ayrshire 13.1 1 1
LAL - General Central 34.5 26 5
SEA - South East (Borders)
SWE - South West (Galloway) 13.9 1 1
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry) 1471.6 9 1
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim) 1098.4 35 3
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 1590.1 18 3
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards) 922.1 18 2
EUL - East Antrim (Larne) 361.2 11 1
GUL - General Ulster 168.7 12 6
SYN - Synthetic (no region) 1181 65 2

Occurrences of luk in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Sclater, Kathryn Gallows Ha - The chapel by the burn, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
Hid disna saaly tae luk efter ithers. on page 6

1 matches

Sclater, Kathryn Gallows Ha - Five Signs, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
eve aff me, hid's no yurs tae luk at. on page 15

1 matches

Butler, Vera Gallows Ha - Bessie, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
He disna luk awey. on page 18
She disna luk awey. on page 19

2 matches

Hall, Simon W. The Orkney Gruffalo, (Itchy Coo 2015 ISBN: 978-1785300066) Orkney, weans
Snek teuk wan luk at the Gruffalo. on page 16
Fox teuk wan luk at the Gruffalo. on page 20

2 matches

Parkins, Hazel Seven Year O Yule Days, (H and M Parkins 2002 ISBN: 978-0954363505) Orkney, poetry
He didna luk very plaised wi me on page 2
Luk - dinna greet. Ah'll sweep h on page 5
Tae see the luk o envy on me sister's shilpid on page 9
ght lie, we dinna hae far tae luk! on page 15
ppeared aside me and he didna luk so good. on page 21
Also on pages 35, 37, 41, 46, 51, 60, 65, 73
15 matches

Cormack, Kevin Toonie Void, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
tae wak oot, makan hid luk on page 18
sheu wisna faerd tae luk God in the eye. on page 28
tae luk like anything else: on page 36

3 matches

Miller, Alison Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, prose
Luk at me - A'm covered wae embr on page 108

2 matches

Bruce, Lorraine Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
The swans luk like thur pullan slow on page 67
Will hiv a luk at the runners in a meenit bi on page 86
My whut a wark tae luk bonny on page 97
Yu don't want tae luk like muttin dressed is lamb on page 98

7 matches

Garson, Sheila Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
mark there. The Doctor hid a luk at hid the ither day when he on page 37
A dooncast luk on page 158

2 matches

Butler, Vera Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
ock haerd when I happened tae luk oot towards the sea and altho on page 14
Dinna luk at me so, as hid's brakkan me on page 144

2 matches

Norquoy, Greer Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Shae will luk efter is on page 36

1 matches

Orkney Voices Group Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Luk oot for the buses an Streamli on page 137

1 matches

Leonard, Ingrid Northwords Now 43 - Ingrid Leonard, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2022) Orkney, poetry
c or Voltaire, guys who widna luk on page 18

3 matches

Hall, Simon W. Lamborghini: Cult o the Bull, (Brisk Northerly 2015) Orkney, blog
that Ah’m stertan tae think luk a peedie bit boran.
1 matches

Hall, Simon W. The Boy That Lived - Chapter Wan, (Brisk Northerly 2015) Orkney, prose
he jerked his heid roond tae luk again. There wis a tabby cat
ve. It cheust gaed him a soor luk. Wis this normal cat behaviou
al nixt tae the cat. He didna luk at it, but eftir a peedie mee
Sheu threw a sharp, sideways luk at Dumbledore here, as though
essor McGonagall shot a sharp luk at Dumbledore an said, ‘The
5 matches

Towrie, David Wirkin' the Tang - a dialect tale, (Orkneyjar 2010) Orkney, prose
ll her cubbie - aye takkin a luk tae see whit the sea wis duin
weet comin, wis aye sumin tae luk oot fir, bekis the tang bed t
e Banks that evenin tae hae a luk at hid tae see whit tang wis
3 matches

@peediepuss tweeted
no great fitever. The photos luk fun! (2020) twitter link
@jm_stout Daes luk kinda like it (2021) twitter link
er weel but my God they dinna luk comfortable(2020)


De Luca, Christine Thule Revisited, (Shetland For Wirds 2007) Shetland, poetry
A line o bairns, we'd luk, an dey wid smile:
1 matches

(South) East Central

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 90 - Serendipity, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
yer lugs thegither ye wadnae luk oot o pliss in Burma.', on page 27

1 matches

Peffers, Bob The Pittin Doon o Guid Scots, (peffers50.freeserve 2002) Central - Fife, prose
Ah mind she hid a richt blenk luk on her face. So it wis then A
t they dae hae yone afu blenk luk on their faces whit Grannie h
2 matches

Forde, Iain W D Hale Ir Sindries - Buik Twa, (Fons Scotiae 2000) Central, prose
his wes a foir-test o the ill-luk we hed wi projeks, bot A
atterie seistem bot heir wir luk tirned. The fermer wes agin t
“Thon’s luk. He’s the verra man we hae
feint a bit luk wi’d. Wha kens, the’r mib
4 matches

Paisley, Janet Lallans 62 - The Numpty, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
is tae tak her unner ma wing, luk efter the pair wee sowel, thi
1 matches

West Central

Shoor Caan, Angus Tasteless, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Central - Saltcoats, prose
me again wi' rat puzzl't wee luk aboorum. 'E wis probly wunner
1 matches

Shoor Caan, Angus Coont Thum: A hunner an' oad McLimericks, (self-published 2012 ISBN: 978-1480242425) Central - Ardrossan, poetry
then neether wis a Ye don’t luk it the mantelpiece whin yur p
it thru ma heid Wis it didnae luk right withoot the batter.
2 matches


Begg, James A. Alison's Jants in Ferlieland, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010845) Central, prose
h," said the King, "an dinnae luk at me lke that!" He joukt ahi on page 44

1 matches

General Central

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 79 - Oot o the Mooths o Weans, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Central, prose
"Ah'm ower yer shoother. Luk," she seyd. on page 92
" seyd Morag. "Whit bonnie ye luk. Ye've duin awa wi yer auld g on page 93

5 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 73 - Waashin Day Weirriors, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
Hes pals didnae luk insensed. on page 64
ywheech whan ah gi haud o ye. Luk it mah waashin." on page 65

3 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 82 - Nae Guid Ettle, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, prose
ent. Gin hes mither seyd 'Aye luk oan the bricht side', hes fai on page 16

2 matches

Reider O'Doom Aye!, (damagnifyingless.wordpress.com 2013) Central, poetry
an’ luk ‘um in ‘i ee
1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 74 - Flittin In, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
haudin herself thit made her luk like she wis. She’d muckle
rt. Annie gied him a thochtie luk. ‘Hmm ..weel..ach .. we’l
-the-Bed Brae), whaur he cuid luk doon oan the hale veelage. Wu
he jaloosed aw Scotland maun luk like this. He wis mindit o so
4 matches

Facebook link (Changed Times Historical Novel By Ethyl Smith 2022) Central
wis a lang time ago but jist luk at oor politics the day!!

Facebook link ( 2016) Central
p an did hing his corpse. And luk hoo important a man he hud be

Facebook link ( 2020) Central
ure whaur the stake wis disna luk much … That’s because it

Facebook link ( 2021) Central
Whiles it’s a guid idea tae luk ahint the heidlines.

Facebook link ( 2021) Central
n they slept ootside keepin a luk oot fur trouble.

Facebook link ( 2019) Central
Tak a luk at his selection o implements
Luk hoo clean he appears then not
want leaches the day gang and luk in slate ponds.

@FaetheRye tweeted
@SSRG2021 @LawhillLayabout Luk furrit tae that! (2022) twitter link
na ken whit yin?? Wid huv tae luk inablo. (2023) twitter link

@ThonJacobite tweeted
ated clachan so it's guid tae luk efter each ither - especiall(2020)

South West (Galloway)

Curran, Doug Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Central - Galloway, poetry
'An wid ye luk at that! Ma nipples on page 30

1 matches

West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)

Burgess, Wilson Dae Ye See: Ulster-Scots Poems, (Scots Language Centre 2007 ISBN: 978-0955791604) Ulster - L'Derry, poetry
Noo efter mony years when Ah luk at maesel, on page 3
mae beats some ould fashioned luk's. on page 8
Ah had a luk roon the Diamon, on page 13
Men did nae gie a luk. on page 19
Ah switch it on an' sit an' luk, on page 34
Also on pages 39, 41
9 matches

Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)

Morrison-Smyth, Anne Alice's Carrants in Wunnerlan, (Evertype 2013 ISBN: 978-1-78201-011-1) Ulster - Ballymoney, prose
o time es shae went doon tae luk aboot hir, an tae wunner what on page 8
e thon in a hurry. "Naw, A'll luk on page 12
n hoo odd the directions wull luk! on page 16
e, lyin doon on yin side, tae luk through intae the gairden wi on page 17
'Come on up, dote!' A'll jest luk up an say 'Wha am A thin? Tel on page 20
Also on pages 31, 33, 36, 41, 42, 61, 77, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 108, 109, 114, 118, 122
31 matches

Reynolds, Charlie Krisamas time is draa’in near, (Ullans Speakers Association 2011) Ulster - Coleraine, prose
hat ye hae an, mine ye, if ye luk roon tha globe, wae aa hae a
1 matches

Reynolds, Charlie Tak pride in yer ain tongue, (North Antrim Speak 2009) Ulster - Coleraine, blog
fa place, becaase jest taak a luk at onythin thats dane in tha
1 matches

Gillen, Charles Oot Here Mae Lane, (Words without Borders Magazine 2004) Ulster, prose
An' I luk an' I think, sure lifes only
1 matches

Gillen, Charles Whun A’ The Kye Had Names, (Ullans Press 2005) Ulster, poetry
An’ weeds that luk’t lake churnstaffs, an’ g
1 matches

Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)

Fenton, James On Slaimish, (Ullans Press 2009 ISBN: 9781905281299) Ulster, poetry
Tae stan an luk awa, awa, on page 9
'For luk at ye!' she said, naw lukkin. on page 10
'Noo luk,' qu' he, 'whutiver they daen on page 16
Noo yin, gan by, maks bak tae luk ower in, on page 26
Tae quait the sab, he'd luk tae pree on page 33
Also on pages 36
7 matches

Warwick, Matthew Fergie an Freens oan tha fairm, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2011) Ulster - Rural Mid-Antrim, weans
"Da! Luk ower thonner! Whut's thon ree on page 10

2 matches

Campbell, Robert Lock Doon Poyams, (Independently 2021 ISBN: 979-8742155812) Ulster, poetry
Anyd oo yeir, which wye til luk? on page 22
Fur cudnae luk ain countence fair, on page 24
Cane ye na luk aip an see on page 28
I luk fae here on cursed soil, on page 32
Fae soond an luk tha same, on page 35
Also on pages 39, 49
9 matches

Peninsular Ulster (Ards)

McDonald, Fiona Frae Cowie's Cragg, (Ulster-Scots Academy Press 2021 ISBN: B0949GXX7K) Ulster, poetry
Luk - thon's Tha Dee, whar oor y on page 1
r-cogglet oot, an telt no tae luk doon, on page 4
Wullie gien her a luk. "Ach, gie ower, Maggie", he on page 15
her gan," he thocht, an had a luk in tha oul bress scuttel sitt on page 17
e thocht tha wee thing didnae luk too weel, an he got doon on h on page 18
Also on pages 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 31
16 matches

Spence, Laura Tha Thoarn Tree, (Ullans Magazine 2013) Ulster, prose
cum oot agane. John an Grace luk’t in at tha beece afore gau
“Hey Grace, luk, thonner’s a boadie heidin
2 matches

East Antrim (Larne)

Robinson, Philip Oul Licht, (Ullans Press 2017 ISBN: 978-1905281305) Ulster - Larne, poetry
"Luk at thon, on page 14
Tha toon micht luk throu-ither, on page 23
But luk behin tha hoardin, on page 24
Stuid up on en, abane tae luk on page 26
An tak a luk", qo' He. on page 35
Also on pages 36, 63, 64, 65, 72
11 matches

General Ulster

Ullans Speakers Association Nursery Rhymes for Weans, (Ulster-Scots Agency 2008 ISBN: 978-0955791697) Ulster, weans
Luk tha wye they rin on page 16

2 matches

Crozier, Ian Recomendations fer an Ulster-Scots plen fer oor leid, heirskeip an’ culture, (communities-ni.gov.uk 2022) Ulster, government
Events Programme - Thon wul luk tae get inthernational events on page 12
institute wul luk tae co-ordinate an' lead oan on page 29
ty an' sustainability we shud luk aa the lang-tim' goal o' a ye on page 65

3 matches

Ferguson, Roy Rhymes frae Rathfrilan: A Wheen o Poames, (self-published 2022 ISBN: 979-8796193099) Ulster, poetry
A place tae luk an learn frae in times o trou on page 18
An tak the time tae luk aroon on page 38
An whun ye luk aroon ye, on page 41

3 matches

Bennett, Hazel Tha Near Cut, (Ullans Magazine 2001) Ulster, prose
n-gless, mair fur tae see tha luk on tha nebs o tha yins in tha
co wus near owre, Dot sez, “Luk yous twa, A wull lat ye hurl
2 matches

Mc Donnell, John , (Facebook 2021) Ulster, prose
Ach ye wee blirt ye...luk at tha mess o ye..A can take
1 matches

@TheFarrierPhil tweeted
wurk it Raiph....wurk it! Yus luk jus like ah catwawk model!!! (2021)

Synthetic (no region)

Ulster-Scots Language Society Tha Fower Gospels, (Ullans Press 2016 ISBN: 978-1-905281-25-1) Ulster, prose
Bethlehem an he toul thaim, "Luk ïn iverie airt fer tha wean. on page 2
'He wull tell hïs angels tae luk eftèr ye, an wi thair hans t on page 3
Whan ye fast, dïnnae luk doon ïn tha mooth as tha hip on page 7
e. Then Jesus saed tae hïm, "Luk here, mine ye dïnnae tell on on page 8
t up an stairtit tae sarve an luk eftèr hïm. An that evenin, on page 9
Also on pages 73, 75, 77, 81, 82, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 106, 108, 109, 112
59 matches

Ulster Scots Agency Ulster Scots Census, (census.gov.uk 2021) Ulster, government
’s by-whyles awa frae hame (luk at page 31 fur mair wittins)
6 matches

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