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The word 'machine'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
machineOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus53.817570
ORK - Orkney 39.7 4 4
SHD - Shetland 17.4 3 3
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 52.3 16 6
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 54.7 5 3
DOR - General Northern 44.3 10 7
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 116.6 46 8
WCE - West Central 41.4 9 6
DUN - Dundee 21.2 2 2
EDN - Edinburgh 37.6 6 4
GLA - Glasgow 41 9 5
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central 73 55 20
SEA - South East (Borders) 49.9 4 2
SWE - South West (Galloway) 13.9 1 1
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim) 31.4 1 1
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 88.3 1 1
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards) 51.2 1 1
EUL - East Antrim (Larne) 65.7 2 2
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of machine in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Parkins, Hazel Seven Year O Yule Days, (H and M Parkins 2002 ISBN: 978-0954363505) Orkney, poetry
ehoo strayed intae the damned machine. on page 25

1 matches

Cormack, Kevin Toonie Void, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
half machine half dream on page 16

1 matches

Garson, Sheila Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
tae sew on the Singer sewing machine. on page 47

1 matches

Norquoy, Greer Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Treadle machine, paper pattern used wance on page 42

1 matches


Fraser, Barbara Aye Someane Deid, Aye Someane Boarn, (Shetland Times 2021 ISBN: 978-1910997437) Shetland, prose
dey makk a lifier fire as dis machine cut anes. Ah'm lookin forward on page 63

1 matches

Watt, Valerie Da secret wirld o Santie’s elves, (Shetland Times 2008) Shetland - Lerwick, newspaper
entor of the magic toy making machine. Feel free to take a look.”
1 matches

@Julie_Dennison tweeted
Me @ wir embroidery machine https://t.co/MULDb8KQE1 (2020) twitter link

Mid Northern A

Grant, Margaret Young At Hert, (Huntly Writers 2023 ISBN: 978-0993597152) Doric, poetry
The machine that sooks an syne blaws But on page 15

1 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Hale an Hairty, (Argo Publishing 2011 ISBN: 978-0954615345) Doric - Inverurie, prose
s jist a cycle on the waashin machine," said Loma, giein a snooty l on page 34
saain seed bi han an then bi machine; an he smiled it the sicht o on page 92

2 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric: Alive an Kickin 2, (Argo Publishing 2006 ISBN: 978-0954615321) Doric - Inverurie, prose
utton in the box - er shewin machine's oot o threed an er skylicht on page 51

1 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Minnie, (Scots Language Centre 2004) Doric, prose
se on ae side the warld o the machine on tither, a serious, tall ma
1 matches

Hutchison, Pat Bulletbroo, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
followed by the rat tat tat o machine guns jist lettin rip at onyth
im fae rinnin intae the enemy machine guns he’d tae be held doon
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat Tarrarra boomby ae, This is my dying day, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
brrr and shuzz shuzz shuzz o machine-gun fire wid come doon tae hi
ower yer bawsacks. The Jerrie machine-guns were set at twenty one i
2 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Jessie the Jumbo And other Bairn Tales in Scots, (Smashwords 2014) Doric - Aberdeen, weans
machine. Ae meenit a wave wad heist h
vish hid anely set the washin machine fur a
Bruce cud hear the washin machine whinin an birrin as it washed
a dab tae sort yer mither’s machine.”
4 matches

@DoricPhrases tweeted
he yoke button on the washing machine the play button!(2020)

@FaeFoggie tweeted
Yon paper for at duplication machine. Fits yon caad. Ats it, a pho(2019)
s aawye. If I set up a clonin machine. Can I get a lain o ye fir a (2020)


Strachan, Shane DWAMS, (Tapsalteerie 2024 ISBN: 978-1916214880) Doric, poetry
a god fae the machine, on page 8

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 79 - The Tattiebogle, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Doric - Aberdeen, prose
comin screamin oot the lift, machine gun bullets comin at ye lik h on page 15
traction engine an a threshin machine. Fae that tae the deevin din on page 16

2 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 73 - TROUBLE WI WITTGENSTEIN, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Doric - Aberdeen, prose
Jeems, pintin wi scorn at the machine, "he canna spell tracter!" In on page 87

1 matches

Hardie, Buff Dod 'n' Bunty, (Evening Express 2000) Doric, newspaper
For ony sake. 'At machine's specially designed so's the
1 matches

General Northern

Whyte, Brian The Bottles, (Independently published 2020 ISBN: 979-8612647218) Doric, poetry
It's a braw machine on page 126

1 matches

Strachan, Shane Northwords Now 43 - Shane Strachan, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2022) Doric, poetry
o the foamy glass-washin machine on page 19

1 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Lallans 58 - Dour, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Doric, prose
niver as much as buy a washin machine on the Never Never, let aleen on page 51

1 matches

McDonald, Charlie Doric Scots Books an Poems, (Facebook 2022) Doric, poetry
Folk hid a Singer sewin machine kept under a box
1 matches

Smith, Alex A Fer Chauve, (self-published 2005) Doric, prose
seein. A thrashin mull wis a machine that separated the grain fae
Some fermers hid a machine for chappin up the strae an t
2 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 76 - Wullie’s Wife: The Hoaspital Veisit, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
hae a x-ray o ma chist. Yon machine maun be richt kittlie as whin
1 matches

@fittiecrooners tweeted
ay! Guts still like a washing machine!(2018)
top gossiping, gassing, mooth machine is nae working. Get peace tae(2020)
I fairly miss yon fag machine that wis in the Fittie Bar, w(2020)

(South) East Central

Paisley, Janet Not For Glory, (Canongate 2001 ISBN: 978-1841951744) Central, prose
'll be nane left in the drink machine fur us. That right, Johnny?' on page 1

4 matches

Allan, Alasdair Lallans 102 - Defenestration, (Lallans Magazine 2023) Central, prose
s? They aw sat an watchit the machine, waitin on a on page 86
They waitit on the beep. The machine did naethin but sit an stare on page 87

2 matches

Burnett, Colin A Working Class State of Mind, (Piermont 2021 ISBN: 978-1914090158) Central - East Coast, prose
ago. When ma boss imported a machine designed in China that could on page 22
r, ah went along tae the cash machine oan the high street. Oan ma w on page 24
alty saved. Then, there's the machine players, these cunts are the on page 27
ssly processed it through his machine and passed oor ma copy. on page 31
ly scan some bets through his machine. Before he continued and went on page 33
Also on pages 35, 41, 89, 102, 103, 104
13 matches

Townsley, Jane Joe's Cloud an Ither Stuff, (lulu.com 2014 ISBN: 978-1326001612) Central - Perth, prose
When she emptied the machine on page 17
Joey punched the machine. Hughie paid up an taen his t on page 37

2 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 168, (self-published 2007) Central, newspaper
real live body raither nor a machine that tells ye tae press three
The machine cweedna mak oot the street na
the beginning again" said the machine in a gey sonsie mainner, "and
Fit a ferlie! The machine unnerstuid an repeatit it in
4 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Report on Inquiry intil the role Submission, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central - East Lothian, government
, crochet (fae the French) an machine (fae the Greek).
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Post-Its, (sandyfleming.org 2005) Central - East Lothian, poetry
a machine wad better dae
1 matches

Forde, Iain W D Hale Ir Sindries - Buik Twa, (Fons Scotiae 2000) Central, prose
in a buikie cryed ‘The Paix Machine’.”
wes maistlie ful o a strynge machine
pistil ischewed frae the machine. The foirsman dichtit hiz spe
aff an dichtit the cace o the machine wi brats. It didna luik onie
machine stertit ti gie thaim advyse a
16 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Lallans 62 - Blue Lift Snaw, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
in thie at thie wi him at his machine, appearinly helpin him wi the
1 matches

Clark, Sara Your Leid, Oor Leid, Awbody's Leid, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central, blog
recipe Irn Bru in the vendin machine. Delichted tae chynge the sub
ye ken hou tae uise a coffee machine?" she speired me, in her braw
2 matches

West Central

Douglas, Sheila Lallans 59 - Rants and Foys, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, newspaper
e be balanced an that needs a machine. on page 56

1 matches

Percy, Ely Duck Feet, (Monstrous Regiment 2021 ISBN: 978-1916117921) Central - Renfrew, prose
n them an we had tae sit at a machine an wear these mad ear phones on page 17
sister sound, lik a pop corn machine; ma ma's lik a duck when she on page 90
inked up tae the life support machine an her face is aw swelt up li on page 130

3 matches

Wilson, Rab Accent O the Mind, (Luath 2006 ISBN: 978-1905222322) Central - New Cumnock, poetry
h taen exception tae a damn't machine, on page 36
It's this Time Machine, on page 143

2 matches

Calderwood, Lynsey Mumbo Jumbo, (Litro magazine 2006) Central, prose
n them an we hud tae sit at a machine an wear these mad ear phones
1 matches

Shoor Caan, Angus Coont Thum: A hunner an' oad McLimericks, (self-published 2012 ISBN: 978-1480242425) Central - Ardrossan, poetry
lls an’ fixed the washin’ machine An’ the cat gied the wee mo
1 matches

Sands, Finn THE GHAISTLY FITBAW MATCH, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
ed like his Granny’s washin machine.
1 matches


McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
un = warslin wi great cases o machine pairts, bales o jute or cotto on page 55

1 matches

Matthews, Lily A SPARK O INSPIRATION, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
een wur drawn tae a streenge machine in the middle the room. It lo
1 matches


Forde, Iain W D The Kirk, The Skuil, The Buik (excerpt), (Fons Scotiae 2007) Central, prose
The out-cum wes "The Paix Machine". on page 10

1 matches

Smith, Jamie Animal Ferm: Chapters I to III, (Mak Forrit 2021) Central, prose
in the ferm haed nae thrashin machine — but the pigs wi their sha
1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
rts passed, an yince a powert machine.
can build us a clockwork time-machine and we’ll go back and not f
2 matches

Burnett, Colin Death Becomes Him - Part 2, (ABCTales.com 2022) Central, prose
soonds like a rattlin washin machine. And before ah ken it ah’ve
1 matches

Burnett, Colin Death Becomes Him - Part 3, (ABCTales.com 2022) Central, prose
hooked up tae a life support machine. At the minute ah feel like a
1 matches


McQueer, Chris HWFG, (404 Ink 2012 ISBN: 978-1912489107) Central, prose
e Tizer and stuck in a washin machine. on page 3
vat an flinging it intae some machine, using a big bucket. Fuckin t on page 60

2 matches

Mc, Keeks Contermacious Temerity, (Dreich 2023 ISBN: 978-1-873-412190) Central, poetry
A perfit, uncheyngin machine on page 17

1 matches

Bennett, Peter Just Another Minute, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
the intermittent beep fae the machine diplayin her vital signs, the
1 matches

Bennett, Peter Graftin, (ABCTales.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
s, stomach gaun like a washin machine, an sat the test. Goat a B in
m; briefly unshackled fae the machine as ah wis, ah’d joined McDa
2 matches

Grae, Emma Dancin wi the Rhona, (unbound.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
and we hud tae switch aff the machine.
y and stand against the X-ray machine?” the first nurse says, ges
2 matches

Durie, Nick The Best o the Baith o Thaim, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
tra. “They only have a real machine in two or three parts of the
1 matches

General Central

MacKinnon, Ann Lallans 70 - Five Poems, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, poetry
shewing machine said it aa. on page 61

1 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 59 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, newspaper
n thairlane, whither agin the machine or a body thay micht niver me on page 54

1 matches

Fitt, Matthew Chairlie and the Chocolate Works, (Itchy Coo 2016 ISBN: 978-1-78530-083-7) Central, prose
rofessor Feelheid, inventit a machine that wid tell ye at wance, wi on page 28
y. There wis a rammy, and the machine wis battert tae bits by the c on page 29
rs shootin ither gangsters wi machine guns, Mike Teeveeheid himsel on page 39
els o some monstrous gigantic machine were birlin roond at brekneck on page 71
un heid first through a fudge machine on page 91
Also on pages 100, 104, 105, 116, 140, 143, 154, 169
22 matches

Grae, Emma Be guid tae yer Mammy, (Unbound Digital 2021 ISBN: 978-1789651171) Central, prose
hands and slid them intae the machine's silver slots simultaneously on page 31

2 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 59 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
n thairlane, whither agin the machine or a body thay micht niver me on page 54

1 matches

Hershaw, William Eemis Stane 1 - The Laverock’s Nest, (Eemis Stane 2022) Central, prose
ghs o men. The retching o the machine guns was like maggies and pyo on page 17
e ranting engines o the hired machine. It stuid there trummelin in on page 18

2 matches

Douglas, Ashley The Itchy Coo Book o Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales in Scots - Sweet Sang o the Widd, (Itchy Coo 2020) Central, weans
o, whan the Emperor woond the machine up, it gaed: on page 105

1 matches

Calder, Bob Lallans 58 - Allmairshall, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
mpairtments o the lourd fixit machine intil geynear identical compa on page 72

1 matches

Hodgson, Brent Lallans 59 - Eleiven Quad Bike Poems, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, poetry
Luik at yon Scotsman on his machine, on page 114

1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 73 - Waashin Day Weirriors, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
airms dirlin tae the recile o machine guns is thai rin back amang t on page 65

1 matches

Wilson, Rab Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
but feenisht his career as a machine man, the body wha drives the on page 134

2 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 62 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
splorin space bi baith man an machine. Alang wi this comes whit sic
1 matches

Falconer, Gavin Lallans 63 - Richt Scots an Pithy Scots, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
Machine Translation
ers haesna taen up the uiss o machine translation micht coud hae it
the hert, something that nae machine coud iver be able for reprodu
s Inglish an Scots means that machine translation atween thae leids
4 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Are The Onybody Ither?, (Scots Language Centre 2022) Central, blog
...the body of the machine, which was indistinctly seen
ference tae fowk makkin oot a machine o some kind, gauin throu the
2 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 76 - The Factory, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
e wan round, she pyntit out a machine wi a lang flet tap at the
ee Jenny an masel yit at thon machine whaur
2 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Daein it yersel, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
rippit like a vice atween the machine rowers.
Whan I think on it nou, that machine chowed up mair than it iver s
2 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Than an nou — poverty, makkin dae, an leukin oot for ilk ither, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
me tae her. She uised a sewin machine tae mak bairns claes. Binders
1 matches

Rennie, Susan Kat an Doug on Planet Fankle, (Itchy Coo 2002 ISBN: 978-1902927459) Central, weans
tap o Doug’s heid cam a wee machine that luiked tae Kat haufwey a
1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 59 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, newspaper
hon issue owre faur throu the machine...
1 matches

McNulty, Victoria Flit, (Scottish Poetry Library 2022) Central, poetry
The ruins of that machine
1 matches

@alistairdunn tweeted
who knew putting the washing machine oan at the wrong setting woul(2014)

@Chazzbat tweeted
for a quote to fix ma washin machine. He emails back, "I can do th(2020)
no ken hou tae yaise a sewin machine?! Ye turn the wheel manually (2020)
a faut. Ah've no hed a washin machine fer 3 month.(2020)

@bigandymccoll tweeted
ested or inculcated intae the machine. That's how the German's foon (2022) twitter link

South East (Borders)

Stevenson, Gerda Kilmeny, (Scottish Language Center 2021) Southern - Scottish Borders, prose
ee electric van, like a sewin machine on wheels, wad stotter doon t
1 matches

@jamie_ginger tweeted
ys.plus a nva put the washing machine on right #womensworkisnvrdone(2012)
frae @jamieginger173 #hawick #machine #someman(2012)
ay looked good. Yir some man #machine #Hawick(2012)

South West (Galloway)

Curran, Doug Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Central - Galloway, poetry
thir erses waarm, thir wee machine fou on page 32

1 matches

Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)

Reynolds, Charlie Tha demise o oor ain tongue, (North Antrim Speak 2010) Ulster - Coleraine, blog
taak it aff tha 'life support machine' athagither. Mann they scunne
1 matches

Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)

Fenton, James On Slaimish, (Ullans Press 2009 ISBN: 9781905281299) Ulster, poetry
'Davy Leary his a machine on page 6

1 matches

Peninsular Ulster (Ards)

McDonald, Fiona Frae Cowie's Cragg, (Ulster-Scots Academy Press 2021 ISBN: B0949GXX7K) Ulster, poetry
hame fur tae pit thaim in tha machine, bot she wudnae pit thaim oot on page 15

1 matches

East Antrim (Larne)

King, Angeline Dusty Bluebells Scots Edition, (Leschenault Press 2022 ISBN: 978-1922670540) Ulster - Larne, prose
oured the bed-claes intae the machine, aware that Maisie was leukin on page 54

1 matches

Robinson, Philip Oul Licht, (Ullans Press 2017 ISBN: 978-1905281305) Ulster - Larne, poetry
Square intae a machine. on page 16

1 matches

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