A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'light'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
lightOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus96.1313100
ORK - Orkney 785 79 17
SHD - Shetland 110.4 19 10
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 13.1 4 4
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 32.8 3 2
DOR - General Northern 35.5 8 6
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 71 28 8
WCE - West Central 73.6 16 6
DUN - Dundee 74.3 7 4
EDN - Edinburgh 62.6 10 3
GLA - Glasgow 341.5 75 9
AYR - Ayrshire 26.2 2 1
LAL - General Central 63.7 48 25
SEA - South East (Borders) 62.4 5 2
SWE - South West (Galloway) 55.6 4 3
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne) 131.3 4 2
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of light in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Tait, Ruth Gallows Ha - Watchan Eyes, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
Sheu wid hiv been a light load on page 10

1 matches

Miller, Alison Gallows Ha - Bairns Sang, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
light the kindleen, light the tar. on page 14

2 matches

Butler, Vera Gallows Ha - Maggie o Quoys and Bessie o Gyre , (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
ance, a heavy door oppens and light floods in. A shackled lass is on page 20
bed that night, wae only the light o the moon tae see me tears, on page 22

3 matches

Baikie, R. M. Mair Fairming Tales, (Baikie 2000 ISBN: 978-0953156412) Orkney - Hackland, prose
aal o them, an heeded for the light, on page 78

1 matches

Miller, Alison Archipelagos : Poems from Writing the North, (University of Edinburgh 2014 ISBN: 978-0-7486-9755-7) Orkney, poetry
the window at the gaethereen light on page 43

1 matches

Parkins, Hazel Seven Year O Yule Days, (H and M Parkins 2002 ISBN: 978-0954363505) Orkney, poetry
Hid's cheust a shattered tail-light," he said wi dooncast face. on page 7
As he lay in his bed wi the light on, revenge, in his hert, slo on page 16
t the errands in and rise and light the fire? on page 24
tak in the paets and lay and light the fire. on page 25
He's the light o me life and me Valentine. on page 38
Also on pages 40, 46, 47, 48, 78, 81, 82
14 matches

Giles, Harry Josephine Deep Wheel Orcadia: A Novel, (Picador 2021 ISBN: 978-1529066609) Orkney, poetry
y, traed, galactic expansion: Light. Inga an Olaf is aye a kord w on page 24
e chairs, or age, or wirk, or Light, or whit lot o credits this h on page 42
hairges the screen. A flist o Light. Sheu shuts her een but feels on page 45
thir notheen thir. Nae willan Light, nae flegsome man. Sheu skite on page 46
sh i'the neuk anunder a pilot light, whan Darling, no lukkan, sna on page 47
Also on pages 55, 59, 85, 100, 105, 106, 113, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 139, 140, 151, 153, 161
25 matches

Cormack, Kevin Toonie Void, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
o light, depth an edge, on page 6
thumsaels intae the light. on page 12

2 matches

Miller, Alison Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, prose
Glim =a glimmer, a blink o light or fire on page 9

1 matches

Grieve, Ingrid Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
and it's light enough efter tea tae git doon on page 65
Dark clouds and golden light on page 94
The low yellow light ower the Flow on page 112

3 matches

Johnston, Barbara Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
hoose is flashan hids regular light on page 17
Strick the match an set hid light on page 56
Ahll hae tae light the lamp soon on page 103
A light shinan doon on page 107
ee skin luks poleeshed in the light on page 116
Also on pages 117, 145
9 matches

Bruce, Lorraine Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Dappled light oan is armur on page 148

1 matches

Garson, Sheila Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
That dappled light o me first mindeen. on page 47

1 matches

Butler, Vera Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
against the dying light in the west on page 27
bed that night, wae only the light o the moon tae see me tears, on page 76
tched an I watched. An by the light o the moon I saw them coman o on page 77

3 matches

Grieve, Issy Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Like a moth tae the light. on page 113

1 matches

Orkney Voices Group Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
In this light hid luks like you could laep on page 93

2 matches

Brown, Moyra Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Oot they'd come creepin... as light started fadin. on page 29

1 matches

Hall, Simon W. Haggis tasting notes, and whisky pairings, (Brisk Northerly 2019) Orkney, blog
gis. This is an exceptionally light haggis, wae a very high oatme
fed wae a fork. The colour is light, and the morsels o meat dotte
2 matches

Hall, Simon W. The Boy That Lived - Chapter Wan, (Brisk Northerly 2015) Orkney, prose
ce? Cattie-faces flyan by day light? Droll folk in cloaks aal owr
led boots. His blue eyes were light an sparkling ahint half-moon
2 matches

Facebook link (Orkney Reevlers 2017) Orkney
and marvellan at the changan light and soonds around me so I tho

@peediepuss tweeted
From the top o the Ronaldsay light the Fair Isle joins up and yo (2020) twitter link
is becis o Caithness bein giy light wae the Gaelic that hid wis k (2021) twitter link


MacInnes, Morag Archipelagos : Poems from Writing the North, (University of Edinburgh 2014 ISBN: 978-0-7486-9755-7) Shetland, poetry
ash-light peepan. She gret fur the on page 19

1 matches

Fraser, Barbara Aye Someane Deid, Aye Someane Boarn, (Shetland Times 2021 ISBN: 978-1910997437) Shetland, prose
nt a da box bed, ta hinder da light sheenin in her een. on page 33
r. Aa winter he wrocht, wi da light fae da peerie wick lamp, fur on page 71

3 matches

Sutherland, Hazel Biggin Da Dess, (Shetland For Wirds 2004) Shetland, prose
bbed smooth, made fae a saft, light wid; nae fear o a splinter. M
da turned-up stuff; leave it light an fluffy ta let da wind blaa
ms oot as dey let it faa wi a light dustin haand. Hay crinkles wh
3 matches

Johnson, Laureen Saands o Maywick, (Shetland For Wirds 2004) Shetland, prose
An hit widna be muckle langer light. An finally I guid an said ta
erin da sail ida laebrak, ida light o da lanterns an da mön, an
2 matches

Sutherland, Stella Midder, (Shetland For Wirds 2014) Shetland, poetry
silver an gold o shade an light,
1 matches

Sutherland, Stella Half a Twalmont, (Shetland For Wirds 2014) Shetland, poetry
da light begins ta win,
1 matches

Johnson, Laureen Moarnin Ida Kames, (Shetland For Wirds 2007) Shetland, poetry
blinnd, ahint light, is
1 matches

Isbister, Sonny Caves aroond Shetland, (Young Shetland Writer 2010) Shetland, prose
fun a cave. It wis a bright, light and sunny cave becis dey coul
1 matches

Nicholson, Hannah Samhain - Usher in the Dark - Minni-Babbi, (Leopard Arts 2021) Shetland, prose
back o me hoose, I hae a sky light idda röf. Hit’s ower high
. Be da time at I shut da sky light door da day wis as sunny as i
2 matches

@Julie_Dennison tweeted
ndered why my suitcase wis so light" - me (2017) twitter link

@helenmoncrieff tweeted
I'd kindo forgotten quite how light da light nights ir. Bonny. #s(2014)

@shaetlan_rose tweeted
Fir aa wis greetin deday, de light isna slockit joost yet. https(2020)

Mid Northern A

Hutchison, Pat The Seven Coins o Kineddart, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
by the window to get the best light!” At that Mistress Gordon l
1 matches

Facebook link (Doric Scots Books an Poems 2021) Doric - Fraserburgh
For plooin it made work light

@DoricPhrases tweeted
ng both lanes & sat through 3 light changes holding up traffic? h(2017)

@JamieFairbairn1 tweeted
elic users oot there shed any light on the earlier names mentione (2020) twitter link


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 77 - Anither Time, Anither Place, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
in darkness have seen a great light?'. They hinna that! Ach, yon on page 32

1 matches

Strachan, Shane Standing Stone, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2016) Doric, prose
een. I look up at Andrew: the light is streaming across his face
eyes and smiles. Slowly, the light fades aroon us as a cloud cov
2 matches

General Northern

Whyte, Brian The Bottles, (Independently published 2020 ISBN: 979-8612647218) Doric, poetry
ak tyouns jist like The Inner Light on page 174

1 matches

Hamilton, Roddy Lallans 63 - The Bruntie Cat, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
nth afore this story came tae light, the Tribune had heard word o
up the nearest path at first light.’
path, but in the early mornin light it wis difficult tae trace th
3 matches

Strachan, Shane Beyond the Sea, (Scottish Book Trust 2023) Doric, prose
Oot o naewye, a light broon fist thumps ye in the a
1 matches

@72redz1903 tweeted
inting Scotland in a positive light, so be it. The Scotland we al (2020) twitter link

@cligeey tweeted
@muddy_40 It wis a Roch windy light shoory day the coos wer in th(2020)

@Manuforti1968 tweeted
@SarahALaurenson Fit light?(2020)

(South) East Central

Paisley, Janet Not For Glory, (Canongate 2001 ISBN: 978-1841951744) Central, prose
in electricity so they'd huv light, heat, an music. Maureen gied on page 1

2 matches

Burnett, Colin A Working Class State of Mind, (Piermont 2021 ISBN: 978-1914090158) Central - East Coast, prose
s gontae suffer. As ah go tae light the joint ah hud pre-rolled i on page 14
Ah'm startin tae feel a bit light heided wae aw the excitement on page 40
e ae yours, True Romance." In light ae the fact ah wis dealin wae on page 41
r compliments the fashionable light navy suit that's he's modelli on page 48
asked me tae pit the bedside light oan, ah wis like: "Yuv goat f on page 56
Also on pages 63, 79, 90, 178
9 matches

Townsley, Jane Joe's Cloud an Ither Stuff, (lulu.com 2014 ISBN: 978-1326001612) Central - Perth, prose
asel but it helps if ye hae a light bulb. It wisna jist white eit on page 23

1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 168, (self-published 2007) Central, newspaper
o-a-days says night, right an light raither nor nicht, richt an l
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Report on Inquiry intil the role Submission, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central - East Lothian, government
Each in its cauld hand held a light,
likewice "dead", "sleight", "light" etc. Nouadays, tho, atween t
2 matches

Burnett, Colin Boris Johnstone, (colinburnett.co.uk 2021) Central - East Central, prose
asked me tae pit the bedside light oan, ah wis like ‘’Yuv go
1 matches

Handy, Robbie Forked Tongues, (Bella Caledonia 2016) Central - Dunfermline, blog
t’ might never hae seen the light o day.
1 matches

Crawford, Ross Awa in a Dwam, (Medium 2021) Central - Stirling, prose
beids hauf-asleep in the hauf-light, but Ailsa wis different. She
he bottom ae the rectangle ae light and scratched in her signatur
spattered against the papery light oan the waw. She woke wae a c
her thoughts, and in the hauf-light she thought the blot ae her b
4 matches

Crawford, Ross At Stake, (Medium 2021) Central - Stirling, prose
and saw the flickering telly-light coming fae the living room, a
1 matches

Burnett, Colin Cardboard Gangster - Part 1, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central, prose
is too far gone tae inhale ma light herted comedy routine. Whatev
eh? close enough tae see the light but far enough awey that yae
The slither ae light peerin in shines a torch oan
3 matches

Burnett, Colin Cardboard Gangster - Part 2, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central, prose
gie packet fae ma poacket and light yin up.
1 matches

@kennethbryce184 tweeted
e of the officials could shed light on this one n a do recognise (2021) twitter link
think she is all sweetness n light - cos of the independence ca (2020) twitter link

West Central

Percy, Ely Duck Feet, (Monstrous Regiment 2021 ISBN: 978-1916117921) Central - Renfrew, prose
pliments. Well whit aboot yir light blue jeans then, said Charlen on page 23
Sumdy asked me fur a light. Ah turnt roon an ah wis aboo on page 48
he's got the same mad traffic light eyes as you anaw. on page 67
school an she asked me fur a light wan time ah wis roon the smok on page 126
hange her mind cause her eyes light up any time yi mention Wully on page 143
Also on pages 163, 164
9 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 71 - Review - Auld Campaigner: A Life of Alexander Scott, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
to Cross’, ‘Darkness and Light’, an an intriguin readin o
1 matches

Nicol, Alissa Poor Wee Livvy, (Scots Hoose 2022) Central - North Lanarkshire, weans
urday night, and the formerly light trickles ae rain were noo pou
tae the other at the speed ae light. The group screamed as a chil
2 matches

Sutherland, Hope Twa sisters, een room, (Scots Hoose 2020) Central - Buckie, prose
, eyebrows, eyes. She’s got light.
1 matches

Shoor Caan, Angus Tasteless, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Central - Saltcoats, prose
slammed ri lamb in oan a low light an' wint oot fur a wee walk,
1 matches

Shoor Caan, Angus Coont Thum: A hunner an' oad McLimericks, (self-published 2012 ISBN: 978-1480242425) Central - Ardrossan, poetry
ce tae face in the moarnin’ light
1 matches

Connor, Bailey A SCOTS HORROR STORY, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
the stars and snuffin oot the light fae the Moon, while the sicca
1 matches


Thomson, Mark Bard fae thi buildin site, (Luath 2007 ISBN: 978-1906307141) Central - Dundee, poetry
by candle light in meh kecks on page 5
Like a traffic light, on page 10
light. on page 21
Thi Light on page 28

4 matches

McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
st at that the horrible green light burst oot aroun the gravestan on page 69

1 matches

Matthews, Lily A SPARK O INSPIRATION, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
ow fur lecky cuid be used tae light a the hoose in a flash! Ah we
1 matches

Robertson, Gary A Wee Dundee Xmas Poem, (Lidl 2020) Central, poetry
bee git wut yih asked fir, an light up yir ehz
1 matches


McKillop, Roger The Flemings o’ Dalnoid, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Central - Edinburgh, poetry
An' colour an' light.
1 matches

McKillop, Roger Ma Heroes o' Sport, (McStorytellers.com 2015) Central - Edinburgh, prose
ach, shone, wi’ a brilliant light,
1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
d a trick of the dust and the light,” sayed Bill, “or more li
e waving around are making me light-headed.”
2 matches

Burnett, Colin Death Becomes Him - Part 3, (ABCTales.com 2022) Central, prose
heaven are worth a detour. In light ae ma recent stomach issues a
1 matches

Burnett, Colin Death Becomes Him - Part 4, (ABCTales.com 2022) Central, prose
every prosi that the dams rid light district kin offer. A roadtri
a retro Hibs toap and matchin light green jammy boattoms. The fan
ch behind me and ah flick the light switch.
nd right awey Dougie hits the light switch oan. Which consequentl
blinds and opens thum up. The light shines through and leaves me
5 matches


Clark, Thomas Alice's Adventirs in Wunnerlaun, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010708) Central, prose
ittin atween them, oot like a light, an the ither twa wir restin on page 66

1 matches

Bennett, Peter nobody remembers the birdman - Stovies, (Association for Scottish Literature 2022) Central, prose
e bedroom. Ah turn the loabby light oan tae see him hoppin aboot on page 8

1 matches

McQueer, Chris HWFG, (404 Ink 2012 ISBN: 978-1912489107) Central, prose
an hits the deck. Oot like a light. on page 13
an over, hawdin it up tae the light an aw that. Mo slides the bac on page 19

2 matches

Armstrong, Graeme Young Team, (Picador 2020 ISBN: 978-1529017366) Central, prose
bounce in bold as brass. The light closes in around the broken c on page 4
eper makin a bench. 'The only light is aboot five or six tealight on page 32
ter, hud been in the Highland Light Infantry as a young man. He h on page 37
flickerin light, among a gaggle ae these eld on page 39
swig then screw it on tight n light a snout. They've slowed doon, on page 42
Also on pages 47, 48
9 matches

Johnstone, Shane The Gods of Frequency, (Arkbound 2020 ISBN: 978-1912092826) Central, prose
ace fae different angles. The light's unforgivin, sure, artificia on page 2
I turn the big light aff an turn oan the wee wan a on page 3

17 matches

Bolland, John A Chocolate Cowboy, (From Glasgow To Saturn 2008) Central, prose
rt-wine stain disfigurement o light fae the scheme reflectit back
e o the space fae when it wiz light there. The bank wiz high on t
s, gloatin in their cigarette light. They must hae been ablo the
e mattress. Ah couldnae see a light. Mebbe there wiz lassies ther
Cathy Daly. Ah couldnae see a light - even wi the streetlamp fel
5 matches

Bolland, John Lallans 71 - Line of Sight – excerpt fae a novel in progress, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
ts. A quarter efter three but light like a dentit bell, flat grey
incline towards the bay. The light wiz gaan quick, the sky the h
adays an late on. Maist wunna light up till the mirk is dense.
waited fur her tae switch ma light oan. Dried beans an tinned to
4 matches

Donovan, Anne Not Scotland, (Edinburgh International Book Festival 2010) Central - Glasgow, prose
ip in the air and a beautiful light.
Wan morn ah woke early, first light. Ah pulled oan ma kegs, tipto
wi trees and greenery. Magic. Light and shade on
workin. But here, in the saft light, ah felt
4 matches

Logan, Kirsty Lego, (Scots Hoose 2017) Central, weans
hersel. The low-hangin ceilin light above us kept shinin off her
1 matches

Bennett, Peter Liberties (Part Two), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
fag tae his mooth, ‘gies a light then, wull ye?’ he sais. Ah
ap clear as day in the evenin light.
2 matches

Bennett, Peter Liberties (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
’s trailin behind tryin tae light a joint, staggerin aff the pa
Ah flick oan the wee interior light an McDade opens another coupl
2 matches

Bennett, Peter The Sacrificial Doo, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
here, just next tae that wan, light it.’
oo in his haun tae the caunel light.
Through the caunel light, thousands ay dust particles
3 matches

Bennett, Peter The Party ay the Year (Part Two), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
n his wife aboot, trippin the light fantastic. If ah did, it’d
‘Excuse me, dae ye huv a light please?’ a voice comes fae
2 matches

Bennett, Peter The Party ay the Year (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
ess shoes reflects artificial light fae the street back at me fae
Oot oan the strobe light spattered, worn varnished par
2 matches

Bennett, Peter Carpe Diem, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
vious if he hud a fuckin neon light in the windae. Some cunt’s
the next landin the interior light’s ripped aff the waw so the
r glow ay the city’s street light, reflected aff the low clouds
3 matches

Bennett, Peter Just Another Minute, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
ights emit a migraine inducin light that seems tae compliment the
1 matches

Bennett, Peter The Guru an Zander, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
There’s a bar ay yella light, beamin oantae the drive fae
1 matches

Bennett, Peter The Bothy (Part Two), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
s neck glistens in the mornin light wae wee beads ay moisture hin
1 matches

Bennett, Peter The Bothy (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
ather strewn mountains in its light, its reach racin across the s
deed, the skeletal fingers ay light that penetrate through dissip
2 matches

Bennett, Peter McShane's Reprieve, (ABCTales.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
It comes tae a stoap, the light hittin the mirror an subseque
turns intae the car park, the light burnin in again intensely, il
2 matches

Bennett, Peter TA Hauf an a Hauf, (ABCTales.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
ettering, backlit by red neon light. The remainder ay the waw at
There’s wan shinin light though, ma young grandson. Tw
2 matches

Bennett, Peter Park trife, (ABCTales.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
lace, pepperin the grun wae a light coverin. A wee sparra catches
uch an admission as the green light tae mercilessly fuck wae the
2 matches

Donovan, Anne Buddha Da - Chapter 1 Anne Marie, (Canongate 2009 ISBN: 978-1847673459) Central - Glasgow, prose
as if sumbdy'd switched on a light bulb in his heid. Then he got
yes are like stars which will light the world.'
2 matches

Geraghty, Martin The Pusher, (TheCommonBreath.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
sum shite aboot sumdy huvin a light.
1 matches

Bennett, Peter Coyle Loyal, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
his facial growth catchin the light fae the adjoinin room, ‘Ah
1 matches

Bennett, Peter Stovies, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central, prose
e bedroom. Ah turn the loabby light oan tae see him hoppin aboot
tae slivers ay orange street light comin in through the blinds,
2 matches


Wallace, Lorna Tae A Selfie, (lornalouwriting.wordpress.com 2014) Central - Ayrshire, poetry
here must jist no huv bin gid light.
1 matches

Wallace, Lorna Jock Tamson Goes tae the Doactir, (lornalouwriting.wordpress.com 2019) Central - Ayrshire, poetry
But as he switched the light aff
1 matches

General Central

Pennie, Len Poyums, (Canongate Books 2024 ISBN: 978-1805301387) Central - Aberdeen, poetry
The light that shines ahint yer een, on page 89

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Scots Warks - Uphaud an guidance for screivars, (Scots Language Centre 2015) Central, government
e equate Soothron spellings ('light' an 'night'). on page 18

1 matches

Grae, Emma Be guid tae yer Mammy, (Unbound Digital 2021 ISBN: 978-1789651171) Central, prose
holds the necklace up tae the light, ignorin him. 'Thanks.' She s on page 7
She's straightened hur light broon hair tae perfection and on page 8
n mair cash poor. We bought a light-up skippin rope wi the ticket on page 31
e contact under the flickerin light o a streetlamp, and she shake on page 33
Ah decide tae light a wee candle under ma picture on page 64

5 matches

Fitt, Matthew Kate O Shanter's Tale: And Other Poems, (Luath 2003 ISBN: 978-1842820285) Central, poetry
in this country of unbalanced light on page 12

1 matches

Harrison, Jean Lallans 59 - BARRY SCHUIL 1928 - 1934, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central - East Lothian, prose
and give us the Charge of the Light Brigade?" I can say it yet. W on page 120

1 matches

Matheson, Ann Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
d the whole room and radiated light and colour' . on page 90

1 matches

Docherty, John F. Lallans 82 - Lang Summer Days Pairt 2, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, prose
e matches an they managed tae light a fire, so they dried oot a b on page 47

1 matches

Hodgson, Brent Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
in a big house with the light coming in on page 91

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Are The Onybody Ither?, (Scots Language Centre 2022) Central, blog
d in the running giving great light and spouting fire, which cont
ty, there arose a great fiery light in the south-west, after the
heads, and there sprang out a light beyond that of the sun, which
east and there sprung forth a light as bright as that of the sun
mazing and astonishing, which light continued above the space of
5 matches

Fitt, Matthew Fae Mooth tae Page, (Bella Caledonia 2016) Central, blog
rrie distends on a lozenge of light which mustn’t be allowed to
1 matches

Stewart, Anna An Alien Feeling, (Scots Hoose 2019) Central, prose
summer, and I thought I saw a light. I decided tae walk oot there
the cliffs and headed fir the light. And that wis us: me and Lugs
Awthing moved then: the light, the shadow o the yella plant
wis able tae look through the light and see aw aroond the thing e
thing, and I think I see that light again. I better flash my torc
8 matches

Smith, George Electrical Love, (Thi-Wurd 2013) Central, prose
We’re in Amsterdam’s Red Light District – early afternoon.
1 matches

McNulty, Victoria Hame, (Scottish Poetry Library 2022) Central, poetry
Switch on the light
1 matches

Donovan, Anne Hieroglyphics and Other Stories - All that Glistens, (Canongate 2004 ISBN: 1841955191) Central, prose
ger left sparkly wee trails a light.
lothes so they gleamed in the light fae the streetlamps ootside,
the dustspecks dancing in its light. There was hair on the collar
glisterin and dancing in the light. Ah covered the dull cloth so
ll cloth so it wis bleezin wi light, patterns scattered across it
5 matches

@Seperatist_No1 tweeted
here is seeing their wee face light (2020)
eggin just tae put ma kitchen light on ??(2020)

@_Erinboyle_ tweeted
???? I wanted to shine a wee light on this before we get caught (2021) twitter link

@g_hibby tweeted
a.. I actually see a bit more light ootside noo, wi' a bit o' blu (2023) twitter link

@jax6754 tweeted
oan Sun eve, so time fir some light bedtime reading! Guid nicht t(2015)

@IshbelMcF tweeted
oves windows (wee babies love light and dark contrast) and I’ve (2019)

@rosa_alba_macd tweeted
there will be nae lucifer to light yer fag, just lucifie(2020)

@OliphantWullie tweeted
e motor wis back at Leslie wi light fadin quickly. TAXI fir Oliph (2022) twitter link

@Chazzbat tweeted
oise? Sleep mask to block out light? Ah've got chronic insomnia, (2020)
ht that white text on a white/light backgrund wis a guid idea(?) (2020)

@bigandymccoll tweeted
gested Bute House tae shine a light on oor FM ?? (2022) twitter link

@rattlecans tweeted
orried about Mawe, trying tae light a caunle, trying tae get it t (2022) twitter link

@LairnScots tweeted
Coorie in, switch the big light aff, pit the torch ablow yer (2020) twitter link

@LowEndJardo tweeted
ae an easy new world red with light forest fruit notes (2021) twitter link

@Sinethugcat tweeted
bare feet oot from under (the light blanket) till they get icecol (2021) twitter link

South East (Borders)

Thompson, James My Borderlands, (Richardson and Son Printers 2023) Southern - Hawick, poetry
When baith yer light shone brightly on page 6
r breath sae clear, the timid light on page 38
entland Hills still bathed in light on page 47

4 matches

@jamie_ginger tweeted
a. There just seems ti be nay light at the end o the tunnel. #COV(2020)

South West (Galloway)

Burns, John Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Central - Galloway, poetry
e author o Celebration of the Light, a study o the influence o Ze on page 55

1 matches

Bryden, Hugh Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Central - Dumfries, poetry
Ye wur the blazin light. on page 98
Wi light and shade, yir name ye made, on page 105

2 matches

Niven, Liz Stravaigin, (Luath 2001 ISBN: 978-1905222704) Central, poetry
brought Kafka's darkness tae light wi her hand. Or Bertolt Brech on page 41

1 matches

East Antrim (Larne)

King, Angeline Dusty Bluebells Scots Edition, (Leschenault Press 2022 ISBN: 978-1922670540) Ulster - Larne, prose
oo," she sang. "Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true. on page 34
are ye so wet? There's only a light mizzle." on page 51
need tae see yer freen wi his light hypnosis." on page 52

3 matches

@Angelinekking tweeted
le - my word of the day. The light double jig in the kitchen las(2020)

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