A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Use in varieties of Scots

puckle Corpus occurrences Central Doric / Northern Orkney Shetland Southern Ulster
Occurences normalised per million words97.1 88.5 174.5 109.3 17.4 51.7 17.7
Number of occurrences316176 117 11 3 5 4
Number of authors85 39 35 5 3 3 2

Occurrences of puckle in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Robertson, James Black Cuddy, (Scottish Book Trust 2019) Central, prose
aur she wis waitin. She had a puckle carrots for him in her pooch, on page 1

1 matches

Robertson, James Precious and the Puggies, (Itchy Coo 2011 ISBN: 978-1845023324) Central, weans
d Obed. 'It wis really jist a puckle bothies, and a fenced-in bit on page 6
hat bin,' Obed aed Wig jist a puckle huils and stooy; there wis pl on page 16

3 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 84 - Awa wi’t, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Central, prose
r haed jyned The Guild tae, a puckle year afore Jean, vouin at he on page 28

1 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 61 - The Mass Jack, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Central, prose
ove whilk wis lowin braw wi a puckle sawdust an shavins an cuttins on page 86

1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 90 - Serendipity, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
dance haw o similar staunin a puckle mile distant, aiblins up tae on page 26
ld an Ah'd been oot wi an odd puckle lassies afore (ane ir twa odd on page 27
ied the follaein yeir efter a puckle opposeetion, nae least frae m on page 32

3 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 90 - Sally, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
haimsels hoch-deep. The furst puckle o lowps doon war a guid ploy on page 59

1 matches

McGregor, Iain Lallans 87 - The Neep Lantern, (Lallans Magazine 2015) Central, prose
Jockie permeeshion tae pou a puckle neeps for lanterns gin he did on page 22

1 matches

Paterson, Stuart A. Wheen: New and Collected Poems, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2023 ISBN: 978-1838480431) Central, poetry
yer puckle concerns on the £ or on Brex on page 8

1 matches

Pyper, Hugh S. The Five Scrolls, (Handsel Press 2023 ISBN: 978-1912052790) Central, poetry
ry o St Andrews University. A puckle buiks o the Bible in Scots ha on page vi

1 matches

Montador, Eileen Shriek of the Maws, (Goblinshead 2003 ISBN: 978-1899874439) Central - Fife, prose
weiy twa men, a brither an' a puckle o' ither freends she's lost t on page 21
penny. A man needs tae hae a puckle oO' pennies tae joogle in his on page 25
stuff left in the bottom o' a puckle 0' bottles, so whit wad we da on page 30
ey men wad be that fairt o' a puckle oO' beasts, but whit ye have on page 32
the same boat, aye an' a puckle ither freends as weel. Ah'll on page 38

5 matches

Hershaw, William Lallans 102 - Editorial: Jean Tamson’s Bairns, (Lallans Magazine 2023) Central, prose
eneuch haverin: for thir past puckle o weeks I've been yokit tae r on page 7

1 matches

Hubbard, Tom The Flechitorium, (Grace Note 2017 ISBN: 9781907676932) Central - East Central, poetry
no fir the settin sail, But a puckle mile inland. on page 12

1 matches

Donovan, Anne Matilda In Scots, (Itchy Coo 2019 ISBN: 978-1785302350) Central, weans
nd three strips o bacon and a puckle fried tomatoes. on page 53
'Ah liked a guid puckle o them,' Matilda said, 'but a on page 74
'So she's learnt a puckle o times tables by hert, hus s on page 81
A puckle, jist,' Hortensia said. 'Ye h on page 104
learned fae watchin Rupert a puckle o minutes afore, that the the on page 148
Also on pages 149, 177, 196
8 matches

McHardy, Stuart The Wey Forrit, (Luath 2017 ISBN: 978-1912147014) Central, prose
cations. He is the author o a puckle books in Scots an has lang be on page I
Eddication system. There's a puckle o things ye need tae ken anen on page 19
Kenya endit up in coort an a puckle o fowk still livin wha's live on page 21
saivver, bein owerlookit bi a puckle hills, an his a near-at-haun on page 32
rders and Dundonian are but a puckle o the braw varieties o the au on page 63
Also on pages 97, 123
7 matches

Anderson, Elizabeth Lallans 59 - OBITUARY : ALISTAIR TAYLOR 1928 - 2001, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, newspaper
braw vice, an tuik pairt in a puckle o George Philp's Scotsoun rec on page 4

1 matches

Robertson, Sine Lallans 59 - Newsins fae SLRC, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, newspaper
t the last letter brocht in a puckle offers o pages for SLRC wabsi on page 87

3 matches

McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
angers an they got mair nor a puckle o queer looks as they made th on page 26
wha had been in the sas for a puckle years an kennt aw aboot hard on page 50
ae his bit by a wee rise an a puckle o trees. His anger nou wis ge on page 79
simply rulin a wee island o a puckle thousan fowk. Accordinly on 1 on page 92

4 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Scots Warks - Uphaud an guidance for screivars, (Scots Language Centre 2015) Central, government
cessar guidance on thir first puckle o pages - but, if ye'r intre on page 4
kennin a spelling, aye tak a puckle seconds tae check it again. on page 16
n Scots. This means that in a puckle instances the wrutten mak o a on page 17
he Style guide will expoond a puckle important kenspeckles o Scots on page 21
on an Violet Jacob tae name a puckle musicians an poyets A adore. on page 57
Also on pages 59
6 matches

Robertson, James The Hoose at Pooh's Neuk, (Itchy Coo 2010 ISBN: 978-1845022945) Central, weans
puckle haycorns they became Douce an on page 23
ae in the mornins? These last puckle days.' on page 77

2 matches

Robertson, James The Sleekit Mr Tod, (Itchy Coo 2008 ISBN: 978-1845021986) Central, weans
mooth o the tunnel wis jist a puckle feet awa fae them noo, and in on page 23
air we're gonnae' But then, a puckle meenits efter, the machines w on page 25
noo...Idoot we'd better hae a puckle geese... Three will be mair t on page 54

3 matches

Fitt, Matthew Kate O Shanter's Tale: And Other Poems, (Luath 2003 ISBN: 978-1842820285) Central, poetry
a puckle o gadgies on page 71

1 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 58 - The Dumb Jyner, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
s an we'll wipe them oot wi a puckle han grenades! Then you an the on page 65

1 matches

Neill, Willie Lallans 61 - Three Tales frae the Brithers Grimm, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Central - Ayrshire, prose
the winnock an spierin for a puckle awmous. Whan the keing heard on page 42

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
luscarden (15t century), an a puckle ithers maks mention o the Bla on page 110

3 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 58 - Gairm review, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
ids in the Samhradh nummer, a puckle sangs by "auld residenters" o on page 126

1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 67 - review, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
eatre an tae Scotland, jist a puckle days afore this beuk kyth't i on page 109

1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 73 - Historical Lexicography and the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1700, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
rest o this airticle offers a puckle o examples o weys that the RP on page 16
o examples o senatours and a puckle examples of senate, baith wi on page 18

2 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 73 - Waashin Day Weirriors, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
A puckle neebors wir getherin roond th on page 65

1 matches

Purdie, David C. Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central - Midlothian, prose
n i Embro's Chaumers Street a puckle towmonds syne. Lik maist o th on page 123

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Lallans 56 - Cauld Kail Fae Embro, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
d Meinister, haes intimatit a puckle tyme that he isna in onie gre on page 121

2 matches

Philip, George Lallans 56 - Scotsoun Thereanent, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
r speired gif I wad screive a puckle wordies anent SCOTSOUN sae I on page 46

2 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 82 - Nae Guid Ettle, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, prose
. naw, ower embaurassin fir a puckle kenspeckle fowk. He wisnae sw on page 16
win haein a smittal effect, a puckle o ithers stertit boakin is we on page 18

6 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit A gang-roond oor Sun Grid, (Scots Language Centre 2020) Central, blog
eain it wi mony craters. In a puckle craters, that daesna get the
A puckle o the auld Greek screivars an
icht'a taen place in the last puckle o million year.
mang sceintic speirars whan a puckle claimed that cheens o bumfled
besom haed gane by Jubiter a puckle times an in 1992 wis claucht
9 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 167, (self-published 2007) Central, newspaper
imalayan balsam. Twa swans, a puckle deuks an a skurrel or twa for
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 178, (self-published 2008) Central, newspaper
hiv we got tae shaw for it? A puckle o pawkie words an a haundfu o
title poem, The Biggers, an a puckle o the ithers, is foondit on h
em haes been read frae a guid puckle poopits. A wad jalouse there
pal he hidnae seen for a guid puckle weeks.
4 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 74 - Flittin In, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
thair stauns o rauch gress, a puckle o whit hiddit a surpreese fir
1 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 74 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
, whan uisers haes tae redd a puckle soums athin a gien time afore
1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 74 - Burns an the Dictionar o the Scots Leid, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
Burns is ane o the puckle writers (alang wi Henryson, D
1 matches

Porter, Steve Lallans 74 - Gone Wi The Windae, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
Ootside, throu a puckle o feet o solid rock, the toxi
1 matches

Gillon, Karen Report on Inquiry intil the role o, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central, government
identified forby hoo there a puckle o whit the report cries commu
achieve a guid puckle for social inclusion, an wid,
a puckle cases). Gin we wish tae think
3 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Report on Inquiry intil the role Submission, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central - East Lothian, government
A puckle irraiglar cases an len-wirds:
An a puckle wirds frae the Dutch or Nethe
2 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS nummer 109, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
differs fae the suddroun in a puckle respecks, but differs nochtth
nation - but that's mibbes a puckle idealistic. Still the gemm's
2 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 111, (self-published 2003) Central, newspaper
it oor forebears ate an try a puckle o thair thrifty an hailsum di
ieve, but we cuid aye lairn a puckle tips frae fowk lang syne.
2 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 62 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
For the wee anes thare‘s a puckle gemmes, for example, ane aboo
1 matches

Falconer, Gavin Lallans 63 - Richt Scots an Pithy Scots, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
rmour o the leid. Unlike wi a puckle ither fields, the’r nae pro
1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Are The Onybody Ither?, (Scots Language Centre 2022) Central, blog
re The Onybody Ither? In this puckle o airticles we will raik an r
kind o reasoning that used a puckle factors tae reckon the likeli
In the mid 1890’s the war a puckle o sichtings o unkent ‘airsh
ir aff-warld? The war anither puckle sichtings, something like it,
Wast Lothian an ayont ower a puckle nichts. In parteeclar, the wa
9 matches

Falconer, Gavin Lallans 81 - Scots an Mid-Ulster Inglish, (Lallans Magazine 2012) Central, prose
Nouadays, a puckle Unionists dis tak an interest
1 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 76 - The Factory, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
s. But efter I haed duin it a puckle times athout incident, the
1 matches

Eagle, Andy Lallans 71 - Stravaigin the Wab, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
ife wi the dreich draigle o a puckle pixels.
1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 70 - The Language o the Glasgow Unity Plays, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
A puckle o the wirds are worth o comme
1 matches

Kay, Billy Born In Kyle, (Burnawn Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-9993309-4-1) Central - Kyle, prose
like cars aw ower Scotland a puckle decades later, didnae seem ta
win up in Gawston, that cam a puckle year later when I studied Sco
2 matches

Capener, Jack No Guid Eneuch, (Bella Caledonia 2019) Central, blog
pocket siller, an anely a wee puckle scuils gie Scots medium educa
1 matches

Clark, Sara Scot Free -The Psychic Cost O Uisin Scots, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central, blog
in their shoes ower the last puckle years. But ah'm no gonnae dae
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 142, (self-published 2005) Central, newspaper
the Capital, there wis a guid puckle similarities an aw. Nice,
1 matches

Smith, Jamie Effeirin tae the formal: Laitinate lendwirds in Scots, (Mak Forrit 2019) Central - Edinburgh, blog
includit in the table is the puckle Scots Latinate wirds that’s
Ye could e’en uise a puckle o the Scots maks in amang you
2 matches

Smith, Jamie Soonds o the kirk an court: early airt muisic in Scotland, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
t binna the antrin scart an a puckle scrieved-on sclates frae Pais
sical tradition, as weel as a puckle sang scuils, did haud gaun fo
2 matches

Heather, Alistair The Body Snatchers, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Angus, blog
s murdert a weel-kent hure. A puckle o the students that cam tae d
1 matches

Heather, Alistair The porage revolution: Hou porage cam tae mak Scotland habitable, (Mak Forrit 2017) Central - Angus, blog
land wis tiny. Nae mair nor a puckle o lairge faimily groups gangi
1 matches

Heather, Alistair The ghaist lichts, (Mak Forrit 2017) Central - Angus, blog
s the anes as she haed seen a puckle year syne, whan her grandmith
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Halloween, (Mak Forrit 2019) Central - Edinburgh, blog
ren, aipples for dookin, an a puckle o nuts. We bairns makkit oor
orts we war thankit an gied a puckle o sweeties, aiblins a penny o
2 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth In defence o SNHS, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
e interests o balance heres a puckle exaimples o guid news in prai
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Kintrae livin, (Mak Forrit 2019) Central - Edinburgh, blog
e kent fine we war pauchlin a puckle o his peapods, straeberries,
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Daein it yersel, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
ma mind’s ee I could see a puckle o ma wee birdie pentins repro
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Three days in October, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
A puckle times o late I hae seen somet
1 matches

Holton, Brian An Owresetter’s Tale, (Bella Caledonia 2015) Central - Galashiels, blog
ays “Weill, ye’ve spent a puckle years readin aa ye can fin in
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 149, (self-published 2006) Central, newspaper
cots. Rab eydently delivert a puckle sonnets an a Standart Habbie
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 116, (self-published 2003) Central - Musselburgh, newspaper
as parritch there still aye a puckle anxieties anent the hinmaist
menade performance wi juist a puckle enticin deckchyres dotted abo
2 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 176, (self-published 2008) Central - Musselburgh, newspaper
me in East Lothian tae sing a puckle sangs for the auld anes. As h
1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 59 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, newspaper
al apologies likely due til a puckle fowk that likes ti write thai
1 matches

Connor, Charles P. Lallans 59 - The Queen’s Shull’n, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central - Fife, prose
ir twa tae pee the bed fir a puckle nichts efter.
1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 59 - A Stot an a Cleg, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, prose
atweesh the twa makars for a puckle year efterhins; but the neist
1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
n turnt tae face him. Efter a puckle braiths, he fand his mind cau
s dawtie, his Beatrice, for a puckle wicks, whan she cam tae the h
d afore nichtfaa. There wis a puckle trees furder up the glen. She
ter, an intae a haa, passin a puckle mair monks, bit nane o thaim
Feelin energised, she tried a puckle dance muves, moothin the rhyt
22 matches

Scots Language Center Crackin aboot politics, (Scots Language Centre 2020) Central, blog
caur haun the’r a menu wi a puckle airticles an PDF documents th
o the Inglis tae Scotland. A puckle in Scotland, Kirkcaldy tellt
2 matches

Young, Clive Creative Scotland an the sowl o Scots, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
wey. Maistile in English, the puckle Scots in it wis aince mair ji
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 106, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
o copies an aiblins tae gie a puckle words (Scots anes it's tae be
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 125, (self-published 2004) Central, newspaper
ken at aw, maun juist be bi a puckle o the warkin clesses that the
1 matches

Wilson, Rab A centre of undeemous excellence fir Scots leid, (The National 2017) Central, newspaper
tellt the interviewer that a puckle Tory MPs haed confesst that t
1 matches

Heather, Alistair Tak tent o the Cabrach, (The Herald 2018) Central, newspaper
n faimlies bidin here, in the puckle o wee fairmhooses gaithered t
1 matches

Heather, Alistair Tartan Tourism nae mair, (The Herald 2018) Central, newspaper
Here’s a puckle o them fae Glen Ey:
1 matches

Paterson, Stuart A. Here’s the Weather, (Scottish Poetry Library 2017) Central, poetry
yer puckle concerns on the £ or on Brex
1 matches

@ionafyfe tweeted
It hopes tae gie answer tae a puckle o speirins that continually a(2020) search twitter


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 77 - Anither Time, Anither Place, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
ace knoweth him not.' Efter a puckle years, naebody min's on ye. N on page 34

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 85 - The Clash o the Titans, (Lallans Magazine 2014) Doric, prose
Dunbar, Barbour, Lindsay an a puckle mair were, as the scholars wi on page 54

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 90 - Mrs Cadwallader’s Conversion, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Doric, prose
ed ower ti the coonter, pit a puckle coins on it, an said ti the q on page 38

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 68 - Gordon’s Gairden, (Lallans Magazine 2006) Doric, prose
k door, jist big eneuch for a puckle potted plunts an a place for on page 35

1 matches

Bolland, John Tales Fae The Doric Side - Hadean Eon: 4.5 Billion Years ago , (Doric Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-8384939-6-7) Doric, poetry
Ilka Hadean day's a puckle oors on page 82

1 matches

Leslie, Deborah Tales Fae The Doric Side - Mabel, (Doric Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-8384939-6-7) Doric, prose
Granda taks a puckle o sookin sweeties oota his po on page 94

1 matches

Grant, Margaret Young At Hert, (Huntly Writers 2023 ISBN: 978-0993597152) Doric, poetry
ox Marks an Spencer, ICI An a puckle ither eens forbye Oh dear! Al on page 15

2 matches

Morrison, Gordon Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon, (Authorhouse 2006 ISBN: 978-1425955397) Doric - Boddam, prose
at's gan tae tak eis a gweed puckle trip's bak an fore we wer thr on page 20
thi saim tyme. Noo, thi first puckle meeneet's, we weis feyn pleas on page 48
idna wurk. Of coarse we got a puckle a cumplaint's aboot at cus ye on page 50

3 matches

Fairbairn, Jamie The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands) - Doric Corner, (DC Thomson 2024) Doric - Banff, newspaper
ved wi'it. The Toon Haal is a puckle distance awa. Ess is far meet on page 37

1 matches

Abel, Charlie The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands) - Doric Corner, (DC Thomson 2024) Doric - Aberdeen, newspaper
time oot in the boonies fir a puckle days in the Andes on horsebac on page 25

1 matches

Lawrie, Alistair Caal Cries, (Drunk Muse Press 2023 ISBN: 978-1399964678) Doric - Stonehaven, poetry
a curn o cottars an a puckle tacksmen on page 29
a puckle cheers, a table, lamp an kist on page 43

2 matches

Morrison Murray, Harold Doric, Historic and Humorous, (Peters and Sons 2024) Doric, poetry
An' wi' luck will see a puckle mair on page 29

1 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Alive an Kickin, (Argo Publishing 2004 ISBN: 978-0954615314) Doric - Inverurie, prose
ntit te say te the wifie in a puckle weel-chosen wirds. on page 9
said the quine, pullin oot a puckle cairds an showin them te Ina. on page 25
d oan a muckle winter coat; a puckle pair o sheen; a bricht reed a on page 70
A puckle ear syne, the bairns an masel on page 86

4 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 81 - Pyntin the Been, (Lallans Magazine 2012) Doric - Aberdeen, newspaper
n Hendry's demoleetion men, a puckle men fae the Cooncil, a bailif on page 8

1 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Hale an Hairty, (Argo Publishing 2011 ISBN: 978-0954615345) Doric - Inverurie, prose
rsel...or Ah'll swap ye fir a puckle camels." on page 14

1 matches

Hay, Gordon M. The Doric New Testament, (Gordon M Hay 2012 ISBN: 978-0957351516) Doric - Banff, prose
ome att, ye see he pid a fair puckle siller. An fan Jesus saw he w on page 111

1 matches

Uri, Antonia Bidin awa: City Breaks, (Scots Language Centre 2015) Doric - Aberdeen, newspaper
m has been in the warks for a puckle o 'ear, but as the sale o the on page 3
Even aifter bidin aire for a puckle o month, it wad likely be a s on page 5
e Santo Ildefonso' are jist a puckle o examples. Ye can wak aboot on page 9
for bein affa dear, aire's a puckle o weys ye can pass the time a on page 11
oud hae a browse o at least a puckle o beukstores fan in Iceland. on page 12
Also on pages 13, 17, 18
8 matches

Christie, Hilary Lallans 78 - Ma Freens in Chains, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Doric, poetry
Nae aa, but a guidly puckle. on page 74

1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Throwe the Keekin-Gless an Fit Ailice Funn There, (Evertype 2021 ISBN: 978-1782012559) Doric, prose
g the roddin an turnin roun a puckle sherp corners), "but I jalous on page 24
es pairtit intae squares wi a puckle little-wee green hedgikies ra on page 31

2 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Lallans 58 - Dour, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Doric, prose
A puckle years efter, I merriet a Tarl on page 51

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 73 - TROUBLE WI WITTGENSTEIN, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Doric - Aberdeen, prose
e answerin notes. He played a puckle mair bars; sae did faaivver i on page 88

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 75 - The Petrol Tanker, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Doric, prose
lot aboot the place, bit the puckle o times Ah wis in the hoose h
1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 83 - Dunnottar, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Doric, prose
nzie an Donella MacLeod, an a puckle ither quines fae the English
1 matches

Wheeler, Leslie Brockit, the Ferm Toon Cat, (Grampian Regional Council 2000) Doric, weans
lugs as weel. Thir wis a fair puckle green an fite scarves as weel
1 matches

Uri, Antonia North East filmmakker feart for the futur o Doric, (Doric Future 2019) Doric, blog
ar, an has interviewed a fair puckle fowk fae Cruden Bay an the ai
1 matches

Smith, Alex A Sair Fecht, (self-published 2003) Doric, prose
Rise in the mornin tae a puckle sna,
wi a puckle little haggis. A notice said
k nivver got his wak, efter a puckle drams he set oot for hame.
Fermers nooadays grumph fin a puckle doos land in een o
his been back a puckle times since.
8 matches

Smith, Alex A Fer Chauve, (self-published 2005) Doric, prose
I did expect tae see a puckle sna,
In the mornin ere's a puckle mair sna,
Oot throo the nicht ere's a puckle mair sna,
Fin we rise ere's a fer puckle sna,
thing or onybody. Efter a puckle quarrels an argy bargy things
14 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Minnie, (Scots Language Centre 2004) Doric, prose
tae schule. Northies keepit a puckle yowes at the back o the Hill
t the roup yestreen, ay, an a puckle mair loons frae ootbye. The m
2 matches

Blackhall, Sheena The Quarry, (Lochlands 2007) Doric, prose
towe tae wipp the tyres tae a puckle timmer planks an Jed raiked o
it heich an mair, bit a gweed puckle o the clachans war Tamil bi o
2 matches

Kynoch, Douglas Lallans 63 - A Wird i Yer Lug, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
A powkit ma snoot intil a puckle mair beuks es time an cam on
1 matches

Murdoch, Steve Lallans 63 - Poacher, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
tae speir him. Ance he wes a puckle hunner yairds awa, he teen th
1 matches

Leslie, Dawn Press and Journal 2023-12-02 - Doric Corner, (no publisher recorded 2023) Doric, newspaper
achin Linguistics (includin a puckle undergrad courses on Doric /
1 matches

Ireland, Mark Wi A Facey Like Yours, (Scots Hoose 2020) Doric - Banff, prose
A puckle streets later Callum’s kick
1 matches

Fowler, Ross Sunday Fitba wi ma Faither, (Scots Hoose 2020) Doric - Forres, prose
airden and set up a goal wi a puckle of ganzies as the posts an wi
1 matches

Hutchison, Pat Catty, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
ce savings accoont hid a good puckle siller in it so that wiz tae
1 matches

The Mannie Fae Unco The Diary o a Feel at the Skweel, (unco.scot 2021) Doric, prose
mer fish boxes an apart fae a puckle benches like kirk pews an a c
and at the side o them wiz a puckle dummy Lee Enfield 303 rifles
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat Bulletbroo, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
A puckle lads were makkin their wye ha
met and Douglas wiz guardin a puckle prisoners fin he noticed een
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat The Tabby Sooker, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
This wint on for a gye puckle years afore I teen TB. Fin I
1 matches

Hutchison, Pat Angels Ten, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
o October I wiz takin doon a puckle firs fae the side o the main
week later I’d been takin a puckle trees doon up the Cullen wye
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat If I Catch Ye I'll Eat Ye, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
the next day's line fishin. A puckle o them were bent on this and
1 matches

Hutchison, Pat The Seven Coins o Kineddart, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
. Fae a cupboard she teen a puckle bundles of clyse and tellt Je
g iron grate that only nott a puckle peats tae get it lowin first
though ye'd tae gang throwe a puckle different motions tae get the
a hae ony big parties, jist a puckle freens noo an then for dinner
4 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Jessie the Jumbo And other Bairn Tales in Scots, (Smashwords 2014) Doric - Aberdeen, weans
. Mebbe, gin he fichered wi a puckle knobbies it micht sing anithe
ir in it, bit the ither hid a puckle
2 matches

Shearer, Gillian Skitin Oan Thin Ice, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2019) Doric - Alford, prose
eenister maun think we’re a puckle o gypes!’ Ruaraidh cooried
1 matches

Harper, Edith The Wye Athin Chynges, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2020) Doric, poetry
stairts tae fecht oer a puckle fish or breid.
1 matches

Young, Morna The Twa Chrisses, (Scots Language Center 2021) Doric, prose
got much o ma mam, ye see. A puckle photies and a wee bit jewelle
1 matches

Facebook link ( 2013) Doric - Buckie
m awa tae lay ma lugs intae a puckle bits o galshach.

Devlin, Edwin The School Dentist 1969, (Facebook 2020) Doric, prose
up ah the room, ah managed a puckle chips and that was it.
1 matches

@d_anderson878 tweeted
fae. Cannae mind. A'v seen a puckle versions o't - maks ma happy(2020) search twitter
s me aff. A'v nearly missed a puckle guid reads acause o yon. http(2020) search twitter

@FaeFoggie tweeted
d a rare time on i watlzers a puckle o months ago. Nearly spewed o(2019) search twitter
Wint ti i bar instead. Hid a puckle o ees and noo I'm gaan fir a (2019) search twitter
fir a wander doon ti at pool puckle I days ago and een o i bairns(2019) search twitter
r he's ga'an. Says he's got a puckle o peaty malts waichtin by i f(2019) search twitter
s on a nicht oot in Glasgow a puckle years ago. Was in the @Butter(2019) search twitter
and 3 other occurrences.

@beast_afc tweeted
@gdwood01 A puckle buds for the quines. Yer a ge(2020) search twitter

@cligeey tweeted
his a Muckle breakfast and a puckle breakfast as options(2020) search twitter
@DeesideDon @watterloony Puckle heather in make ye feel t ham(2020) search twitter

@glenlivetloon tweeted
ye've munaged tae fit intae a puckle meenites is jist rare. Maks m(2020) search twitter
afyfe I wis up in the Braes a puckle wicks ago wi ma faither. I wi(2020) search twitter

@Manuforti1968 tweeted
t or an 80s flick in the next puckle o wiks.(2020) search twitter
@DoricPhrases Puckle numbers fae e' lottery wid da(2019) search twitter
@NatalieAHood Hiv a puckle a yon books. Some affa funny (2020) search twitter

@JamieFairbairn1 tweeted
A puckle year syne my ambition, wi ma (2021) twitter link
the Declaration o Arbroath a puckle year syne, wi the document A (2020) twitter link
k that want tae investigate a puckle mair Scots words - these wer (2020) twitter link
the coast an A can imagine a puckle hunner year o intermingling t (2020) twitter link
A puckle handy wirds revived tae bamba (2020) twitter link
and 3 other occurrences.


Giles, Harry Josephine Deep Wheel Orcadia: A Novel, (Picador 2021 ISBN: 978-1529066609) Orkney, poetry
tae tak tae the Lights fer a puckle o year an nivver been. Thir m on page 39
but, puckle or muckle, whither sheu's ram on page 93
than a stop. A freighter's a puckle o fock an a demption o noyse, on page 122
rling leuks aboot her. Thir a puckle o fock ithe Hoose. "It's not on page 125
livveens tae be gotten, wi a puckle o chaenges. on page 141
Also on pages 157
6 matches

Johnston, Barbara Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
a puckle o photos fur memories on page 17

1 matches

Hume, Caroline Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Haev in a puckle o drukken carry-ons on page 126

1 matches

Hall, Simon W. The Boy That Lived - Chapter Wan, (Brisk Northerly 2015) Orkney, prose
haedna seen each ither for a puckle o years; actually, Mrs Dursle
ive different folk. He meed a puckle important phone calls, an he
2 matches

Peace, Courtney The 'Guid' Life, (Orkney Heritage Society 2010) Orkney, poetry
in a guid puckle o hoors ye'll be aff fae here
1 matches


Tait, John M Lallans 60 - The Three Hooses, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Shetland, weans
n he wad get awa wi skailin a puckle bawbees tae Urban Intelligent
1 matches

Watt, Valerie A skoit trowe da shops, (Shetland Times 2008) Shetland - Lerwick, newspaper
it lookit laek a muckle haily puckle wrappit in sheeny paeper.
1 matches

@shaetlan_rose tweeted
used coarn and skaar, but no puckle! it's a good een though, very(2018) search twitter


Neill, Willie Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Southern, poetry
Man... yon's a puckle mair than they hae duin on page 145

1 matches

Purves, David Lallans 67 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Southern - Selkirk, newspaper
airly gien his penchant for a puckle o the dafter intellectual fad on page 5

2 matches

@StuartPoet tweeted
. Mairi's 1986 CSD is ane o a puckle o buiks never faur fae ma tab(2020) search twitter
gey hallockit aboot it aw, a puckle o stuff gan on wi fowk owre y(2020) search twitter


Dornan, Stephen Tha Jaa Banes, (Ulster-Scots Academy 2020 ISBN: 978-1-9163758-1-9) Ulster - Comber, poetry
lang hed gaithered up a hail puckle o banes an wunnered should he on page 13
A keeked doon yince at tha puckle o banes on page 20
A puckle orra cloots happed thegither on page 51

3 matches

@the_gellick tweeted
A puckle o aul stanes: aiblins yinst a (2014) twitter link

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